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musicofspheres1 t1_irabsx6 wrote

Of course degrowth doesn’t work, the monetary market system is based on infinite cyclical consumption, which is why it must be phased out for a decentralized access based system, also known as a resource based economy. Trillions of stranded fossil fuel assets if we switch to renewables so that will never happen in the current state. Based on Ethiopias largest model corbetti, 460 geothermal plants could power the US. Earth overshoot day is a real thing. We must switch from Geopolitics to biosphere consciousness


CarboniferousTen t1_iradt8n wrote

Regardless of whether this system you propose is feasible or not, the probability of it coming to fruition is literally zero. Meanwhile, there’s clear empirical evidence that growth can be decoupled from emissions, and it’s the direction that the public and policymakers support.