
Websters_Dick t1_j2900h0 wrote

I'm well aware of the research triangle. I spent time both in High Point and in Raleigh. Are you saying that the wealth generated by the unpaid labor of slaves just vanished after the civil war? What a moronic statement. Guess what, it's almost like those buildings were built using slave labor and the communities that built them were able to build almost no generational wealth due to the economic policies in those regions both before and after the civil war.

You did it! We live in a society therefore we cannot criticize the negative parts of it! What an excellent worldview, I'm sure that leads to great improvement and not a constant stagnation and continuation of the status quo, even when it's inherently harmful to the general population.

Never said you had to hate it, just said you had to recognize it. You seem to have some trouble with reading comprehension. That next day labor and smiling customer service you see down in the south? Yeah, it's there because of the radial effects of slavery and continued poverty. Doesn't mean you need to hate it, just means you need to see it and acknowledge it. Vermont's tourism dollars and farm subsidies? You guessed it, tied to white supremacy and the removal of indigenous peoples from their land. I'm not the one who is ignoring it and trying to make excuses for it. That's you.

No shit bud, none of us asked to be born. But some of us are making excuses for the negative shit perperuated by society and some of us are working to correct those things


Websters_Dick t1_j28ty30 wrote

Are you so fucking dense as to think that any of what you posted counters what I literally said? The reason those areas have the money they do is literally because of the wealth they stole while being built, and maintained through the exploitative system we live in. It has nothing to do with the current racial breakdown of any specific area. But look here, it's a liberal who would rather ignore the reality of how those wealthy liberal areas built their weath and then blame the rest of the state for their reactionary politics.

Weird, because Raleigh, NC had a pretty extensive redlining policy in effect long after the passing of the Civil Rights act. Wonder if that had anything to do with generational wealth unable to be built in impoverished communities.

And if you think I have problems with just the south, wait until you hear what I think needs to be done to correct the harms done to the indigenous communities in the US both north and south.

Vermont doesn't have the same issues that I noted in the same way, because Vermont wasn't built from slave plantations. But never once did I claim that Vermont doesn't benefit from the underlying white supremacist hierarchy in America.


Websters_Dick t1_j27cq9m wrote

Those affluent liberal areas are built off the exploitation of slave labor (and segregation after the civil war) and the continued existence of a laboring class that can barely afford to put a roof over thier heads and food on the table (which continues to be mostly minorities). The hierarchy that exists and is perpetrated in the south is magnitudes worse than anything that exists up here. And Customer service, you mean the labor class that has to pretend to be nice to you or else they could fall into further poverty?


Websters_Dick t1_izmrcet wrote

He built his portfolio of businesses by taking money from the working class as a landlord. Oh goody, using working class wages to pay for shit you own, what a selfless man. If he wants my business, let the companies form a cooperative or at bare minimum a union. And he donates to far right wing candidates because further eroding the social safety nets benefits him. Fuck that noise