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[deleted] t1_irkop5k wrote

Oh no not your private property. Are you ok do you need a hug


Trajikbpm t1_irkp431 wrote

Covid broke peoples minds


TheBugHouse t1_irkqyfc wrote

Came here to make a post about the tourists... my 16 year old daughter works in a Cafe/coffee shop on the green in our village. Every shift she has to deal with loud, mouthy, obnoxious out of towners. Some of these people have an outrageous sense of entitlement, I hope they stop and think about who they're hollering at next time.


vtddy t1_irkusi8 wrote

Leaf peepers are assholes. They don't give a shit. I watched cars yesterday in Weston parking on people's lawns, not just a foot on, the whole car. Then spinning as they take off after they get a pic out of their window. Can't wait for stick season


stopbotheringme1776 t1_irkusmq wrote

They treat our state like a theme park. Extremely disrespectful


hunny_bun_24 t1_irld53u wrote

This state only reason for being is for visitors.


kayleezi t1_irli281 wrote

The most recent Google review for Sleepy Hollow Farm is someone who rated it one star because the owners had the audacity to…paint their house a different color and not want people having full on photo shoots on their private property. Lol the entitlement is unreal.


Cravenmorhed69 t1_irljlg6 wrote

Am I the only one confused by this post? Where are the trespassers?


No-Establishment3083 t1_irlkd0c wrote

Out of Towner, here for work and hopefully to stay one day. I have seen the others doing this...I can't imagine feeling so entitled and unaware. This is someone else's home and not everyone in VT is on Vacation. As someone from FL(which Ik sucks) I am also from a tourist attraction type place and have experienced the lack of respect from visitors. Kinda kills the Vibe of VT. I was staying in Middlebury which seemed very quiet and local and it was the beautiful/slow paced life I dreamt of compared to when I drove through Stowe lol. I also noticed local plates move slow/right at the speed limit, being from FL it has taken some time but I am trying to be respectful and do the same, but is this a normal thing here? Anyways I love the State and everyone (locals) have been great to be around and I hope ppl can be more respectful and realize this is not just some foliage playground.


VoyageursWitch t1_irltpz0 wrote

As said in the post, they are on a hill that's part of the private area and most seem to get it but some are excessively annoying over part of the property that they typically reluctantly allow photographs.


grnmtnboy0 t1_irm8j7n wrote

As a property owner too I completely understand the frustration. I had o post my land a few years ago because of entitled brats acting like it was theirs, trespassing at will and leaving a mess


cpujockey t1_irm9fxj wrote

No it's part of the culture. Flatlanders loose the title after they've been here for 10 years or made a meaningful sacrifice to their community.

Ask any of us natives why we have a disdain for flatlanders. You'll find the reasons are quite understandable. Just a few years back there was a affluent couple that moved up next to the farm land, complained at the town meeting that they want a ban on fertilizer because they hate the smell of it coming from the farm next door.

Then there's people like me who watch folks call Burlington burly, and want drive through Dunkin donuts despite the fact they were just outed on social media for improper food safety and cleanliness. The poster kept calling it dunkies and turned down Vermont based alternatives.

There's more examples. But just imagine when a flatlander tells a native Vermonter /native American to move out because of the shit housing market and shitty jobs. Their reasoning is 'I came here with money's is quite the slap in the face to someone who has generation history and two kids in this state.

Also a lot of you drive like maniacs.

So there's my casual flatlander hate. My ancestors fart in your general direction.


[deleted] t1_irmc9m4 wrote

I will not respect this fake farm who is designated as such for the tax write off. The only thing they farm is the rent from their vacation rental


cpujockey t1_irmcnsx wrote


What makes it a fake farm?

You realize trespassing can be a terrible thing to deal with when you're the trespasser? Also this is someone's home show some fucking respect.


FishingFien t1_irme5qt wrote

I have a question about the post, at the end of the post it said donation box and maple syrup for sale. Is this one of those spots that if people donate/purchase to use for photography? I agree 100% that people shouldn’t be using it as a park, but I just don’t get the mention of donation box.


daisymcs t1_irmeyl4 wrote

We drive slow in towns because 1) we want to show respect to the people who live there, so they can cross the street, walk their dogs, pull out of their driveways etc without getting clipped and 2) cops often do speed traps in small towns


No-Establishment3083 t1_irmf540 wrote

Okay, cool. I get both of those even tho I have not seen too many cops here. In Florida many ppl would zoom past my house at like 12-3am and it was horrible so I like that I see so many ppl respecting it here.


tittytam t1_irmiv56 wrote

Heckin rude man. You can say things like that about other states too. But like jeez. It's not our fault the leave change colors. We just want to live here and commute without the headache of nonsensical traffic.


tittytam t1_irmj31y wrote

Funny I see a joke but it's also true. Massholes have been taking over the houses on my street and a couple now are air neutral neighbors is odd..


PolarBlueberry t1_irmkz5j wrote

I think as with any group, most of the tourists are good respectful people, but the ass hats are the ones you remember and bitch about.

There are thousands of people driving around looking at the pretty colors in the north east right now, but if you encounter 5-10 of them that are entitled jerks, that’s who you’re going to remember and think “the out of towners are awful”

We know it’s coming, we know they suck. But take a moment to breath and look at where you live and how jaw droopingly gorgeous it is right now, and we get to live here all the time. They’ll be gone soon and we’ll be cozy by our wood stoves.


Genralcody1 t1_irml3r1 wrote

Unfortunately, no they cannot.


v3rmin_supreme t1_irmlbpw wrote

Agreed. I’m a whatever generation VT’er and love to remind everyone that (arguably) our most famous Vermonter, Ethan Allen, was just a greedy realtor from Connecticut. Where someone is from isnt the important part. Assholes can be from anywhere.


SlytherinTargaryen t1_irmmpsd wrote

No, tourists are not all the same. When we complain about hating tourists, the ones in OPs post are the ones we’re talking about.

They go Mad Max on the roads, feel entitled to absolutely everything (EV. RY. THING.), treat the locals like shit and then stand in the middle of traffic to take pictures. (Entitled and dangerous.)

We have terms for people who come up to leaf-peep and drive like they think they’re on a NASCAR track, depending on the license plate. That guy who just shot up your ass and stays bumper to bumper with nobody else on the road behind you two? Masshole. That one that sped up to forty-five in a twenty, just so they could cut you off on a merge when you had right of way? Connectic*nt.

But if you’re here to relax, see some trees, get some tree blood for your pancakes, not litter, we are more than happy to have you.

No-Establishment, yep! Locals drive like that because 1- There is nowhere that needs to be gotten to, that fast, in VT! Chill, dudes. 2-Reckless driving kills people. Killing people, bad.
Another rule we follow is this: If you hear a siren, you’ll see people pull off to the side of the road and sit there until the ambulance/fire truck passes. This goes for both sides of the road. It may seem silly if you aren’t used to it, but there’s someone in an emergency that needs help as fast as possible and a clear road makes that happen.


Hantelope3434 t1_irmmx36 wrote

You don't consider raising beef cattle, large amounts of maple syrup and draft horses pulling carriages enough of a farm? Some people do only one of those things and still are a farm and deserve tax cuts. The state makes farm tax cuts easy to achieve for a reason.


Hellrazor32 t1_irmnh5u wrote

Okay, so. I hear you, and I’m not saying you’re wrong. But…Vermonters do the same shit. When I complained to my brother that I would move back if it wasn’t so expensive, he just said you can cough up the dough to live in the best state ever, or live in a crappy state. He’s a 6th generation Vermonter.

My uncle has operated a small (extremely small, donation based) business on his property for 40 years. The Vermonters who bought the property next to his filed complaints with the county and town because of the “traffic” and noise on the weekends. He folded and closed off his property. My mother has walked her dogs off leash in the town forest for 40 years. A neighbor came running across his yard, into the woods, down the trail, harassed her and kicked the dogs for being off leash. They were 10 year old basset hounds who NEVER left the path and would sooner drive a car than run. My mum had done this walk with them since they were puppies, but the guy said his elderly mother “doesn’t like dogs”. Dude went to high school with my dad.

Also, Vermonters are the most ridiculously slow drivers I’ve ever had to deal with. Did you guys know that you can in fact go 5 miles over the speed limit in good driving conditions? Vermonters can’t decide if back roads are for speeding or for going extra slow, so that’s a fun mix.

I love Vermonters. I love Vermont. I understand feeling protective. But Vermonters also do dumb shit, Vermonters are also rude AF a lot of the time, and Vermonters definitely aren’t the nicest when visiting other states. Many, many times I’ve heard Vermonters openly talking shit about the places they’re visiting right in front of locals.

One time in Vermont I remember in particular was a Southern family who came into a local sandwich shop. The father politely asked “What’s a panini? I’ve never heard of that.” The owner replied “It’s a grilled sandwich.” The father said “okay well, I’m not picky but I love ham. Which ham sandwich do you recommend?” The owner scoffed and said “If you want a ham sandwich, go down to the gas station. I serve grilled, pressed paninis.” The man gathered his family, said “I’m sorry to have bothered you.” and left. After the door closed, the owner muttered “stupid fucking southerners” under her breath. I’ll never forget it. When my husband, who has a heavy southern accent, came to Vermont the first time, I warned his people might be mean to him because they have decided to hate the south.

Come on. We can all do better. Including Vermonters.


Hellrazor32 t1_irmntj3 wrote

Absolutely. I can and do tell other customers to keep themselves in check. I think people forget that these workers are children and that it’s completely inappropriate to verbally abuse a child. I once asked a woman how she would feel if someone spoke to her child the way she had spoken to the kid helping her.


Hantelope3434 t1_irmnv5x wrote

You have large amount of acres. Those acres have sugar maples. You tap and collect sap. Large amount of sap. You boil boil boil and pour into bottles. Sell bottles locally or ship out to the rest of the US who doesn't have sugar maples. Make money. Good sugar maple farm.


Alphatron1 t1_irmo4dd wrote

Growing up in central mass there was a pheasant farm near my grandmothers house in Ayer. My dad would walk there all the time then they built a bunch of colonials next door and the people complained until it closed.


SheSellsSeaShells967 t1_irmoi1t wrote

I live on Rt. 1A going towards Acadia. I will be so goddamn glad when this weekend is over. I feel like the tourists have been so entitled and they’re driving way over the speed limit. I have seriously almost been wiped out twice this summer


YellowSubWinnie t1_irmp7a5 wrote

God you seem like one of the idiots who’d go out in the woods 25 feet from his house get lost and perish never to be seen again. I’ll be keeping an eye out for that headline you stupid flatlander.


Hantelope3434 t1_irmpg1z wrote

The great thing about owning land is you can decide what YOU want to do with it and not care about some random dude on Reddit who doesn't own his own land wants.

Using the land I live on to build small houses or townhomes and and becoming a landlord for dozens of people in my backyard kind of defeats the purpose of living rurally for me. You do you. This farm will do their own thing too.


YellowSubWinnie t1_irmpv5b wrote

Bullshit - you’re a sack of shit with no respect for people or their property and hard work. Can’t wait til you roll up trespassing on someone’s land and they stand their ground. Newsflash fucker, no one in Vermont has ever been charged despite us having no technical stand your ground law. Have fun with that bitch.


SheSellsSeaShells967 t1_irmq609 wrote

OMG the buying real estate site unseen was a thing over here in Maine for a while during the pandemic. It’s pretty entertaining to watch the questions and concerns people have once they land here having apparently done no research whatsoever. It has blown my mind that seemingly intelligent, wealthy people thought they could just pull up stakes and move here knowing nothing about the culture and most importantly, the weather.


Hantelope3434 t1_irmqx85 wrote

How do you contribute to the world? Do you raise beef? Make maple syrup? Help with agritourism to educate? They do those things, and farms deserve those subsidies, otherwise there would be no farms. They get tax breaks on their land. Your "definition" of a farm does not matter. It's what the community, state and country consider a farm. Which is what this place is. A farm. Let them pay less for property taxes and go do something with your life.

What do you consider a farm if it's not a place that makes food and provides to the community?


Vermonter623 t1_irmrgdc wrote

I love the people who lived here for a year calling themselves Vermonters. And the on top of that complaining about flatlanders


Hantelope3434 t1_irmrvpq wrote

Bro, we can all see your post and comment history. You are no health care worker, let alone a doctor lol!

You didn't answer my question, how do you define a farm if it's not a place that makes food??


Hantelope3434 t1_irmuay0 wrote

Well actually I think I decided on the Adirondack mountains, as it's about the size of Vermont with bigger mountains and cheaper property taxes... So not gonna live in your pretty green hills, but at least I'm not someone who is "born and raised and never left the same state I live in now and somehow I think I'm special"!


Hantelope3434 t1_irmv47v wrote

I thought so too! Better backpacking + less snobs + cheaper land = better living! And you wonder why Vermont is paying good money for people to relocate to your state...


[deleted] t1_irmvc06 wrote

The politics of nys which is a fight between the state and nyc is really terrible and everyone ends up on the losing side. But if you can ignore that and have the money up there it isn’t that bad.


Allemaengel t1_irmwgab wrote

My greatest sympathies from here in Pennsylvania's Poconos only 2 hours from Manhattan.

I know exactly what you're dealing with - it's been relentless here as well. Truly disrespectful slobs.


Hantelope3434 t1_irmwgfg wrote

I have lived in NYS before, people complain about the issues with NYC versus the rest of NYS but I have found every state has that issue with their one major city versus the rest of the state. I found out west the politics were significantly more pronounced in that area versus the north east. Rural versus urban will always have money and politics issues. Vermont doesn't have it as significantly bc Burlington is small, but you still see the complaints and frustration from NEK and the east


slipk1d t1_irmxtq7 wrote

It's only going to get worse. The more homes and land flatlanders buy up here, the more their soulless relatives will come to visit.

Can we get a 10 year moratorium on selling houses and land to folks that are not residents? To give us a chance to catch up?


Unique-Public-8594 t1_irmyhkt wrote

Having privacy and selling maple syrup / putting out a donation box don’t seem compatible to me. What am I missing?

Maybe they could put up a sign to clarify what is permitted and what is not at their place of business? It might not be obvious since so many ice cream businesses encourage people to use their property, picnic tables, outdoor furniture, and/or lawn.

I’ve also witnessed tourists walking across lawns of private residences for photo ops which I find shocking and rude.


captainogbleedmore t1_irn0a53 wrote

I'm a GA transplant and two things to note that are different from everywhere else in the country: they don't have entrapment laws here so cops can hide in bushes and they also don't have a 10mph buffer so you can get pulled over for being 1mph over. It took me awhile to slow down, but it's better than losing your license.


Glittering-Fall3956 t1_irn0tyq wrote

A leaf peeper was on my property, claimed it was public property, and called the cops to MY FUCKING PROPERTY. if you are one of these people, Vermont isn't just a place to vacation, ski, or look at. It's beautiful but PEOPLE STILL LIVE HERE, people still have jobs, lives, and property. Don't think your entitled to do whatever you want because you paid for your vacation. I can't even move to a more private spot because more out of staters are buying property without even looking at the house beforehand. It's fucking ridiculous that I may have to leave this state just because people who don't live here are inconsiderate, rude, disrespectful, and immoral.


RetiscentSun t1_irn604f wrote

> The new owners who bought the place 2 years ago ruined it! The beautiful red farmhouse has been repainted a pitiful grey, presumably out of spite for all the people who stop to take pictures. Today they even had the audacity to call the police on an a couple doing a bridal photo shoot here. What a way to ruin a couple's special day.

> If they don't want people taking pictures of their home from a public vantage point, they should not have bought the property! It's been a magnet for professional photographers for over a decade, and one of the most popular fall foliage photo destinations in the state. They should have known this.


BettyLouWho318 t1_irn89s8 wrote

Yeah I have a family member who is a server/bartender… some of the locals are assholes just as much as the tourists. And to be fair most of the people who are out of state tip really well. But according to her the worst tippers are the church goer’s.


KawasakiBinja t1_irndk41 wrote

Having lived in this state for nearly 40 years I have to call bullshit. Out of staters typically do NOT know how to deal with the roads, weather, or wildlife. I've driven all over the country and Vermont has some of the more twisty, winding roads ever. Come ski season they become hazardous unless you know the limits of your car and conditions. And I'm not even talking about the cultural aspects of Flatlander-ness.


cpujockey t1_irngwg9 wrote

Farms feed people. Apartment buildings require infrastructure that doesn't exist on or near that land.

Give yer balls a tug. We're all suffering in this real estate / rental market because of flatlanders.


Glittering-Fall3956 t1_irnia4i wrote

Every time I've been on vacation, I at least consider land owners and DONT trespass lmao, anyone can make an ass out of themselves, it's different when it's fueled by entitlement, being rude is just making it a whole lot worse


Glittering-Fall3956 t1_irnikjv wrote

I don't even think we can call anyone flatlanders, ye we have beautiful mountains and some pretty damn scary roads for every day commuters, buuuut there are people in Cali or Colorado that have bigger mountains than we do, the ski mountain my dad raced at when he was a kid was almost twice the size of the sugarbush peak


hideous-boy t1_irnz30i wrote

if you're in Middlebury it's also important to drive slow because there's a lot of crosswalks and a good number of them, especially downtown, don't have good visibility on the sides. So it's extra important to ensure you don't accidentally run someone over.

I call the stretch of 125 that goes through the college The Gauntlet because there's like 7 crosswalks and onstreet parking that obscures the sides when cars are parked there. Way too afraid of running a student over to even go the speed limit on that bit

but also in general it's good to keep to the speed limit in towns


deadowl t1_iro8bbs wrote

There are pictures of me and my car in a lot of places on Google Street View. Tax assessor's offices often have photographs of homes not always taken with the owner's consent. So on and so forth. And yep, this place sure has been photographed a gazillion times over, to the extent of being a fucking meme. Used to belong to Joe Perry of Aerosmith.


No-Tomorrow1576 t1_irocauj wrote

But tax assessors are supposed to take photos of a building (I guess) all I’m saying is (if the owners don’t want the house to be photographed) what happier to common courtesy, in asking the owners if the ppl can be photographed in front of their house.. It’s common sense and common courtesy


SlytherinTargaryen t1_iroco07 wrote

I’ve been wondering what‘s going to happen with these buyers when the real VT winter hits. Spring, beautiful. Summer? Gorgeous. Fall, omg. But it’s one thing to spend a week at a ski lodge and quite another to endure endless months of digging your car out in the dark in -10 degrees only to find the gas froze in your tank when you try to head out to work. Months and months and months of bitter cold and no sunlight.
I‘m not trying to be snarky here. The Russian writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsy settled in Vermont when he fled for his life, because the hard winters here fondly reminded him of RUSSIA. It’s a test of endurance and I’m skeptical that all the new buyers fully understood what they were buying into.


deadowl t1_iroeqag wrote

They're not wrong that it is a frequently photographed location. It's also historically notable because a former owner has their own Wikipedia article. This doesn't sound like someone walking into the backyard.

The house I grew up in was the only one on a certain stretch of road, then it got subdivided and a new house was built. The new neighbors (not even the original new neighbors, or the second new neighbors) got all NIMBY and filed a noise complaint because we were having a bonfire, in the backyard, with a fire permit. Police determined that the noise level didn't justify a complaint. Taking a photo from a public vantage point where people have done so for years? Did they get misled by the real estate agent? Or did they fail to recognize the property's prominence among tourists and photographers otherwise? Taking photographs from a public vantage point of a picturesque location isn't illegal.

There was also a travel magazine article on this farm's history noting how frequently photographed it is last month: This is a case of rich people expecting the world to revolve around them.

Imagine if that guy in Westford didn't expect people to stop and take photos of that illuminated bird sculpture.
