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artful_todger_502 t1_itxt2r2 wrote

When we got to Vermont, the first job I got just until I could get a permanent job, was as a helper on a UPS truck. The driver would get a note on his computer that would say, "Open garage door and leave package on the table." Coming from where I did, it was incomprehensible that someone would actually leave their house unlocked and tell someone to come in. I was hesitant about it but my driver assured me that's just the way it is.


whaletacochamp t1_itzdtos wrote

My UPS guy often comes and hangs out in my garage lol.

Yesterday I gave a complete stranger the code to my garage so they could get in and get some cash that I was leaving them for some wood they were delivering. Don’t plan on changing the door code either!


JoeKnotbush t1_iu0bqe4 wrote

My UPS guy hangs and smokes weed with me and shoots shit about old dead shows we saw.


whaletacochamp t1_iu0ifkj wrote

Hell yeah!

Yeah the reason he hangs with me is because we have a really strangely setup house where delivery people never know where the hell to drop stuff. The closest door to our driveway is our detached garage door so they often leave stuff there. I also happen to smoke in my garage right around UPS time...well one day he delivered something and i heard a "sniff, sniff, sniff, DAAAAYUMMM man that smells good!" Look toward the door and see him cheesing giving me a thumbs up. Now anytime he's delivering he comes right to the garage and hangs out for a few. Sometimes I'm up in the house and I can see the disappointment on his face when he goes to the garage and I'm not there lol.

Usually my dog goes and hangs out in his truck while we chill in the garage lol. He often finds a Chewy box to molest.

Works nicely to be so nice to your UPS guy - we have a parcel locker down at the end of our private road but he always makes an attempt to deliver straight to our house unless weather prevents it. We had a baby this year which meant TONS of huge and awkward things getting delivered (I'm looking at you 170lb crib). The dude literally dragged it into my house for me despite that very much not being an expectation. A week later a 100lb changing table again and a substitute UPS dude left it in a mud puddle in pouring rain at the end of my road.


artful_todger_502 t1_iu1njgf wrote

My driver was a great individual! I really liked working with him. And work I did ... Oooof, I've never had a more physically demanding job. I started UPS busy season a week after I got there, so it was a great way to learn the Rutland area where I lived. He gave me home made syrup and some other Vermont stuff when it was over. Oh yeah, I got bitten by a dog, too 😭 Good times!