Submitted by t3_y54g9q in vermont

We are Planning on spending our 30th wedding anniversary somewhere near Stowe or Woodstock to enjoy some of the Christmas activities. I would love some feedback on the places to stay ! Any info would be appreciated !! Thanks so much !



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t1_ishqy4m wrote

If you’re heading to Woodstock look up the timing of Wassail Weekend. It’s an old fashioned Christmas celebration that the whole town gets into. They do a horse parade, caroling around a fire and historic house tours.


OP t1_ishsn91 wrote

Yes we are definitely looking at that. But where to stay is the huge question? Nice resort or great hotel ?


t1_isiw1ia wrote

If you are loaded, check out twin farms. It's a world class resort, but rooms start at 2.6k lol.

Otherwise, I enjoyed a stay at Green Mountain Inn in Stowe. Cute little area, nice restaurant, and nice tubs in rooms. Woodstock inn is probably good too - I haven't stayed there but I have gone to the spa and it was very good, and I've heard the restaurant is great, and I love walking around Woodstock.


OP t1_isjeiqq wrote

Wow. I guess there is a limit to how much I spend. Lol. I just looked up the twins , I think I’m paying for the Twins College. Lol


t1_ishpq6u wrote

Stoweflake mountain resort and spa is pretty decent, the rooms are a little older and modern but it’s pretty nice. If you’re looking for something more newer and sleek, you’re not going to get that there. The spa there has dozens of services there and the resort is pretty big.


OP t1_ishqd1l wrote

I have looked at Stoweflake it is on my list. I was reading some of the reviews about it being a bit outdated as well.


t1_ishqhyv wrote

If you're coming from the South, Stowe can be several more hours of driving past Woodstock (in bad weather). That time of year you should plan for snow on the roads. You'll probably want real snow tires, not all-season tires.


t1_isj4aqb wrote

That’s just not true at all. If youre driving up 89 to route 4 for one trip to Woodstock in December, you absolutely do not need to buy snow tires for this. What is also not true at all is that Stowe is several more hours than Woodstock. Stowe is a 48 minute longer drive from Boston than it is to Woodstock. And the chance of there being a ridiculous snowstorm on the day they drive up in mid December is minuscule, so no need to factor in the slow driving for that past exit 1. Don’t fear monger and bullshit this visitor.

Edit: I like your username, though.


t1_isjeokq wrote

Most Vermonters put snow tires on their car before late December and a snowstorm can easily add travel time (several hours is unlikely but possible). A local will wait until the snowstorm stops and the roads are cleared but a visitor will often plow on to their destination in the worst driving conditions. Having skidded off the interstate once in a similar scenario (I-79 in PA), I recommend snowtires and anticipation of extra travel time. Snow driving experience/abilities is another factor to consider.

IMO Woodstock is probably nicer and more interesting for the first time visitor.


t1_isi0q04 wrote

If you can afford it, the Woodstock Inn.


OP t1_isi5bpq wrote

Not concerned to much about the money part of it . I want it nice for someone who has put up with me for 30 years lol


t1_isj3dgq wrote

The blue horse inn is nice, right across the green from the Woodstock inn


OP t1_isj6nym wrote

Thanks for that ! We have never really done the B&B scene. So we were not sure about that. Appreciate your help!


t1_isjdh7a wrote

Always the classic Trapp Family Lodge, built and owned by the famous Von Trapp family!


OP t1_isjfjx7 wrote

Love your name I more of a GryffindorStark. Have you all stayed at the Trapp? I don’t want it to be a “trap”!


t1_isk00t8 wrote

Haha! Love it!

No, I’ve never stayed. I’m a native that lives sort of in the area, though my family is further down the state. But for the most part people who visit in Stowe or Waterbury don’t have as much of a strict budget, and the Lodge meets those standards.

ETA: There *are* a few other places you could look into, but they aren’t Stowe or Woodstock. Look up Shelburne Farms, for example. It’s about twenty outside of Burlington, but not open year-round.

The Grafton Inn is full on rural VT, if that’s what you’re looking for. Or The Vermont Inn.


t1_ishvl14 wrote

Just say you're homeless and the state will give you a free hotel room.
