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HappilyhiketheHump t1_ixuu5q1 wrote

Oh no. Out of state rich white folks can’t skate. SMH


CHECK_FLOKI t1_ixuvcyd wrote

So you're worried about out of state tourists when you're facing the damaging effects of climate change in Vermont?

You think this is a joke? Ice fishing season used to start late September and now it's almost December but the lakes aren't frozen.


Aronomous t1_ixv0coc wrote

As a Vermonter who skates and pucks on lakes and ponds this is an extremely unnecessary hot take.

Not to mention the minimizing of the damage being done to our trade and agriculture sectors. Go back to bed and wake up on the better side of it bud.


mycophdstudent t1_ixv60k2 wrote

Been here since 1983 and never has ice fishing season started before peak leaf peeping season. That would require a quarter inch of lake ice in late September which is early autumn before the leaves fall. 78% of the state agreage is woodland acres which sinks most of the state's carbon emissions so dont beat us up too hard for breathing.


nolabitch t1_ixve2yt wrote

It does, though. It reflects a coming, likely pattern of shuttering tourism and a changed capacity for Vermont to bring in money from the industry. You may not care about a ski resort - and, nor do I - but you might care about the Vermonters who may be out of the job when the tourist season dies.

Many, many people depends on these 'carbon spewing' patrons to keep their bills paid.


Aronomous t1_ixvkn9f wrote

I go skate the track at Lake Morey often and so do a lot of other locals I know. Plus it’s owned by locals who are going to have a rough time, on top of the already had rough time of the last two years, that should be enough for you to care. I’d arguably take a wealthy flatlander over your attitude anyday. Get off it.


YOurAreWr0ng t1_ixwpqed wrote

I for one love the warmer winters. Adapt of die.


YOurAreWr0ng t1_ixx380n wrote

Wow, I really hope your insider stock trading is paying off more than your Tucker Carlson style reply’s. Yes some local businesses profit off of the 2 months a year ski season. Maybe they shouldn’t be leaches hoping the fat cow come into town and make a real business that can stand the tests of time.


b1ack1323 t1_ixx4k9u wrote

Right, no one camps or hikes.

It’s pretty wild that you think straight stats are FAUX news. Its delusional to think that nearly $400 million in tax revenue and 10% of the workforce is a drop in the bucket. Things like restaurants and shops, are not seasonal. Places like Burlington and Brattleboro are huge hubs for travelers in the summer.

Denying that one of the oldest business models in the world is “not a real business” is just hilarious all by itself. If you just want the whole state to turn into factories and warehouses instead of trees that’s your prerogative because that’s the other big employer of VT.

It’s okay man, the world revolves around you and you get to keep a whole state to yourself, you own it not the fat cats. You and your entitlement.


Walruzuma t1_ixxookg wrote

Global cooling would be more devastating to world populations, food and water supplies than global warming. Change my mind.

EDIT: Interesting people are just downvoting and not trying to change my mind. Sorry folks. Uninformed Straw Man arguments won't change my mind.


Walruzuma t1_ixxp7x0 wrote

Replying to my own comment here:

The written/retrievable historical record indicates that the times of greatest achievement, such as the Renaissance and our current situation, are when the planet is coming out of cooling periods (the dark ages and the little ice age, respectively). Did you know that the average world temperature was more than 2 degrees higher during the renaissance than it is today? The Media and Politicians are lying to you. Learn and lead. Don't believe and follow.

EDIT: Had to add 'and Politicians are' as that is the root of misinformation.


Walruzuma t1_ixxqkpw wrote

This is a terrible take. Humans have done substantially better during warming periods (the Renaissance coming out of the Dark Ages, when Global temps were 2 degrees higher than today) and our current period starting around 1850 when we started coming out of 'The Little Ice Age'. Increased temperatures release non saline water from Ice Caps and increased tillable land mass. If you understand what it takes to feed people, you understand these are not specifically unwanted attributes.


Walruzuma t1_ixxr2sz wrote

Our first snowfall was right on time.... It should have been later, considering we are still coming out of 'The Little Ice Age' which ended in the mid 1800's. We have more than 2 degrees to go to reach the AVERAGE global temp of the Renaissance.


Walruzuma t1_ixxrohm wrote

I don't deny there is a climate, and I certainly do not deny it changes. I do deny the political and media NARRATIVES of climate change, which make absolutely NO SENSE in the records we actually can put a name to. Most 'Climate Scientists' use very vague interpretations of millenia old ice cores. I would argue those are deliberately ignorant.


Twombls t1_ixxrr6w wrote

this thread really brought the climate change deniers out of the woodwork lmao


CHECK_FLOKI t1_ixxs0dj wrote

I'm not going to listen to someone denigrating climate scientists.

I ice fish, I ski, I skate. My favorite sport is hockey. My hobbies revolve around cold snowy weather and I'm worried about the future. I've seen changes from even when I was growing up.

Climate scientists are not using vague interpretations. We're on borrowed time regarding climate action.

The end.


Walruzuma t1_ixxsx9k wrote

I'm not denigrating. I'm elucidating. The US Federal Government has prioritized CO2 and CO2 only research. Thus, these 'Scientists' are narrowly focused and thus apply a 'constant' to a plethora of other real factors, such as solar activity, earth magnetic shifts, etc. etc. I'm sure you have already studied and understand each of the 100+ discounted factors. Have fun skiing.


Walruzuma t1_ixxthzh wrote

Actually not true. Our reporting on it has increased. Storms are great for the media. Lemmings eat that shit up. Let's talk hurricanes. We've had decent satellite since the mid 80's. But if you look at landfall data, which would have been the only indicator prior to that period, the 80's and 90's were a minimum period. Landfalls were less than at any time on record since 1900. Yet, since then they have increased, right? WRONG. The total number has increased, because we see more from the sky. But, at best, the annual number for CAT 2+ that have made landfall is at best even. We just hear about every named storm that years ago no one knew about.


Walruzuma t1_ixxu3mr wrote

LOL @ your 'borrowed time' comment. The planet was over 2 degrees warmer during the relatively recent "Renaissance" than it is today ffs. The 'crisis' is manufactured.


Walruzuma t1_ixxv6hv wrote

Please define 'climate change deniers'. There are very few people who would deny the climate was different during the Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous. The question is, whether the population has been so brainwashed by media and political agendas to believe the last 150 ish years is anything other than coming out of 'The Little Ice Age', a period that culminates 'The Renaissance' where temperatures were over 2 degrees higher than today.


Twombls t1_ixxw3sh wrote

Ill explain it super simplified so that climate change deniers with less than a 3rd grade education can understand.

Carbon is trapped underground. In the form of coal and oil.

This got trapped long before humans existed. Before decomposers existed really.

Humans dig up and burn oil and coal releasing the carbon.

This warms the planet back up. Sadly none of the animals from the jurassic and cretatious period still exist. So the current ones really aren't adapted to survive it. And humans are making the climate change on a human scale of time. Historically climate change would be on a geological scale.


Walruzuma t1_ixxyxe8 wrote

I'll agree, that's a 3rd grade understanding. Because Graduate School will teach you that increased carbon in the atmosphere will increase the number and size of plants. This is real and if you deny this, you have no merit.

EDIT: Also, your understanding of how all this works is clearly from a Politicians syllabus, not a Scientists.


Walruzuma t1_ixxzmir wrote

Not yet. The earth has at least 2 degrees to go to hit the temps of less than 1000 years ago! You must have a limited mental capacity, so give me about 350 years and YES. I'm a buyer. That's what the normal climate cycles of earth tell me the seas will again be receding.


Aronomous t1_ixzw0rq wrote

Every inch of gained tillable land will be offset by the coastal saltwater intrusion due to rising sea levels. Nice try though. I would venture a hypothesis that humans do better during warming periods not because of arable land growth but more because of new technologies put forth to grow, adapt and overcome with the changing soil. More recently, it was the Industrial Revolution for god sakes. I don’t know enough about this topic to argue, but any conversation with a generational farmer I’ve ever had does not sound like whatever nonsense you just put forth.


Aronomous t1_ixzwxn9 wrote

> this thread really brought the climate change deniers out of the woodwork lmao

Lol right? It’s kind of a trip. Arm chair scientists who have never baled hay, as they say.

I for one am 100% going to listen to the person on Reddit who uses the word “lemmings” in his climate dissertation. /s


Walruzuma t1_ixzxsp1 wrote

A generational farmer in the US started when? Early 1800's? Just as we were coming out of the little ice age? The climate has been warming since then. Since a couple decades BEFORE the industrial revolution. Sea levels have risen since that period and populations have boomed. Why? Because the climate is more conducive to growing food to sustain a larger population. Sea levels during the last full blown ice age (12000 ish years ago) were at the continental shelf of each continent, some 200-2000 feet farther out than they are now. Where was the population growth with all that 'tillable land'? It didn't exist because even though there was more land it was too cold for food species to thrive. How do you think a population can endeavor something as huge as the industrial revolution? How is it possible? It's because food was becoming more abundant. Some portion of the population can be dedicated to food while other subsets can do things like engineering and building because they aren't spending their time looking for food. Just like it was during the Renaissance. But then the temp dropped 4 degrees and things were thrown back and we end up with the plagues of the Medieval era. There was no food so populations were weak. It's astonishing to me how people can't think critically for themselves any more. They lap up 'expert' narratives that in and of themselves make sense only through the narrow view of their expertise. The big picture almost ALWAYS tells a much different story.