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you_give_me_coupon t1_iwsu24b wrote

I don't like Joe Biden because he said he'd veto Medicare for All. I don't like him because he told Goldman Sachs on day one of his 2020 campaign that "nothing would fundamentally change", and he followed through on that promise. I don't like him because he's deliberately continuing Trump's effort to privatize Medicare.

Oh, who am I kidding! I'm just some weak-minded asshole taking orders from my dear leader!!


Working_You_2834 t1_iwtilyi wrote

>I don't like Joe Biden because he said he'd veto Medicare for All.

Half truth.


you_give_me_coupon t1_iwv2kyo wrote

Thank god for the fact-checkers! I was worried there was a threat to the parasitic insurance industry profiting off the suffering of millions! Some mush-mouthed dissembling, implying that M4A would be more expensive, when precisely the opposite is true, really did it! (It's amazing anyone falls for this garbage.)

Jesus Christ. Biden's dissembling was obvious. We've known for years - decades? - that M4A would be cheaper and better for individuals and the country. My family would have saved ~$2500 a year just in premiums under Bernie's M4A plan, even after the tax "increases" to pay for it. (Paying $4 to save $5 is obviously a good deal.) Even the most extreme right-wing opponents of universal health care at Koch-funded thinktanks have said for years that M4A would save at least $300 billion a year.

Biden, or at least his handlers, knows all that. So for him to give that mush-mouthed answer, implying that M4A would be more expensive, when precisely the opposite is true, should be appalling. And if you think his answer meant anything other than "I will block M4A to protect a parasitic insurance industry that's among my biggest donors", I've got a bridge to sell you.

PS: What's the approved "fact checking" apologia for Biden continuing Trump's effort to privatize Medicare?


Working_You_2834 t1_iwwmvv9 wrote

I'm sorry, you seem to have misunderstood me. I couldn't care less about Bernie's M4A plan or Biden or Jesus Christ, and I'll let the readers decide for themselves what is and isn't amazing or obvious or appalling. My comment is limited to pointing out that you removed important context, which you did.


you_give_me_coupon t1_iwwpbd4 wrote

> I couldn't care less about Bernie's M4A plan or Biden

Your "important context" is just Biden deliberately lying to muddy the waters. Of course you don't care about relevant facts that support that. I'm glad you linked to what Biden actually said, because it comes off even worse.