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rickster907 t1_iwsdin9 wrote

It really amazes me that the most innocuous president ever, I mean .... the most low-key never said a word to upset anyone in his life - president has these GQP assholes with their panties all in a twist because Fox propaganda told them to be angry.

And when you ask them exactly WHY they're mad at Joe, it always boils down to "it isn't our fascist Dear Leader and we hates it, precious." Every single time. Weak minded assholes who never learned to think for themselves. Fairly pathetic.


Zap_Franka t1_iww4i6f wrote

> the most low-key never said a word to upset anyone in his life

"I've had a great relationship. In Delaware, the largest growth in population is Indian-Americans moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking,"

“We have this notion that somehow if you’re poor you can not do it,” “Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.” 


td241 t1_iwwbz5l wrote

“Representative Jackie — are you here? Where’s Jackie?” (Jackie had died in a car crash)

“I probably have a much higher IQ than you do, I suspect,” (to a high school teacher)

“I mean, you’ve got the first sort of mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean,” (re: Obama)

“Clap for that, you stupid bastards,” ( to the 380th Air Expeditionary Wing stationed in Abu Dhabi )

"You stupid son of a bitch" (to a reporter)

There would've been candlelight vigils if Trump said any of these things.


you_give_me_coupon t1_iwsu24b wrote

I don't like Joe Biden because he said he'd veto Medicare for All. I don't like him because he told Goldman Sachs on day one of his 2020 campaign that "nothing would fundamentally change", and he followed through on that promise. I don't like him because he's deliberately continuing Trump's effort to privatize Medicare.

Oh, who am I kidding! I'm just some weak-minded asshole taking orders from my dear leader!!


Working_You_2834 t1_iwtilyi wrote

>I don't like Joe Biden because he said he'd veto Medicare for All.

Half truth.


you_give_me_coupon t1_iwv2kyo wrote

Thank god for the fact-checkers! I was worried there was a threat to the parasitic insurance industry profiting off the suffering of millions! Some mush-mouthed dissembling, implying that M4A would be more expensive, when precisely the opposite is true, really did it! (It's amazing anyone falls for this garbage.)

Jesus Christ. Biden's dissembling was obvious. We've known for years - decades? - that M4A would be cheaper and better for individuals and the country. My family would have saved ~$2500 a year just in premiums under Bernie's M4A plan, even after the tax "increases" to pay for it. (Paying $4 to save $5 is obviously a good deal.) Even the most extreme right-wing opponents of universal health care at Koch-funded thinktanks have said for years that M4A would save at least $300 billion a year.

Biden, or at least his handlers, knows all that. So for him to give that mush-mouthed answer, implying that M4A would be more expensive, when precisely the opposite is true, should be appalling. And if you think his answer meant anything other than "I will block M4A to protect a parasitic insurance industry that's among my biggest donors", I've got a bridge to sell you.

PS: What's the approved "fact checking" apologia for Biden continuing Trump's effort to privatize Medicare?


Working_You_2834 t1_iwwmvv9 wrote

I'm sorry, you seem to have misunderstood me. I couldn't care less about Bernie's M4A plan or Biden or Jesus Christ, and I'll let the readers decide for themselves what is and isn't amazing or obvious or appalling. My comment is limited to pointing out that you removed important context, which you did.


you_give_me_coupon t1_iwwpbd4 wrote

> I couldn't care less about Bernie's M4A plan or Biden

Your "important context" is just Biden deliberately lying to muddy the waters. Of course you don't care about relevant facts that support that. I'm glad you linked to what Biden actually said, because it comes off even worse.


Fabulousfemur t1_iwsmwjp wrote

There seems to be a lot of video of him seeming inappropriate towards girls.

We keep giving money to Ukraine while our country is falling apart.

He ran on a platform of unification, but he's been fairly divisive, not "mean tweet" divisive, but he's certainly not doing anything for unification.

This country needs, more than anything, a president who can bring us back together. No matter what side you fall on, most of us want what is best for this country, but with different ideas how that should be done. As long as both sides keep putting the blame at the feet of the other, the government will continue to help themselves, to our detriment.


Gilgamesh72 t1_iwsxrzu wrote

So you start your comments with gop lies then pivot to say we should all work together fuck your russian style propaganda


Ok-Title-270 t1_iwszi1u wrote

What about anything they said is not true? Be specific, screaming about Russia is not an argument


Fabulousfemur t1_iwsyo0e wrote

I have 3 valid reasons why I don't support Biden. I've seen no proof that inappropriate behavior is faked. The billions we're giving Ukraine is straight forward, as his platform on unification.

What is Russian style propaganda?


firearrow5235 t1_iwthux9 wrote

You really don't have 3 valid reasons

Firstly, when it comes to the videos you're being fed cropped and clipped snippets and you're seeing what you want to see. . It's a massive misinformation campaign. In this day and age, if Biden truly was a creep, it'd have come out in a court of law by now.

As far as unification is concerned, what do you want him to do? Bend over and take it from a bunch of fascists who want to take away my rights and yours in the name of unity? Sorry, but that's just not how it works. When your guys are willing to finally come to the table and stop being obstructionist over ridiculous and petty policies, we'll send our guys.


Fabulousfemur t1_iwvgp6w wrote

business insider

pj media

What fascists are trying to take away rights? It's hard to understand because both sides use it as a buzzword.

Please don't assume I'm one of "your guys." I can relate to both sides of the political spectrum. I feel that neither side fully represents me or my beliefs because our system has turned entirely too binary when there is clearly some common ground in between.


firearrow5235 t1_iwvoie0 wrote

These Republicans tell me who to love, who to hate, who to fuck, who to not, whether or not I can make the choice with my partners to get an abortion, whether or not I can use a condom, which books I can read, which shows I can watch, which God I should worship, whether or not I'm a pussy for getting a harmless vaccine, that education is worthless, that we're incapable of fixing the world so we might as well do nothing, and that money is only good for one thing and that's making sure other people don't have any. I have no respect for them, because they hold no respect for me, who I am, or what I want.

Given the choice, I'd have voted almost anyone else in over Biden, but he's in there, and as far as I'm concerned he at the bare minimum does the job. Through all of the struggles we've had in past two years, I'm glad it's him handling it over any Rebublican. Were it Trump we'd actually be at war right now. That I believe.

Alright, so he's another creepy old fuck. I still don't buy it. It seems to be a lot of hear-say and opinion as opposed to concrete fact. But fine. He's still head and shoulders above any Republican.

I never said you were one of "my guys". In fact I'm pretty sure I made it clear you're not.

Riddle me this. What I want for our society is for everyone to be well off, and to not have to struggle just to maintain poverty status. For everyone to be able to be who they want to be assuming they're not physically hurting anyone else. For everyone to be educated and healthy. I want this country to lead the world properly, not be a joke. How will anything in the Republican platform help me achieve these dreams I have for society?


Abbot_of_Cucany t1_iwtgqoy wrote

Last I checked, we've committed to send about $4.5bil to Ukraine. (Maybe that's been increased but it's a good ballpark estimate). For comparison, that's about 0.6% of our defense budget. Or about 1/8 as much as we annually spend on beer.


Fabulousfemur t1_iwuq2w4 wrote

link to market realist that quotes ny times.

Your decimal is in the wrong spot.


Abbot_of_Cucany t1_iwxg2dx wrote

You're correct, I misread the original figures. Even at the proposed new spending level of $78 billion, it's still only twice as much as we spend on beer. And practically invisible compared to the $2–4 trillion cost to taxpayers of the 2017 corporate tax rate cuts.


Zap_Franka t1_iwwxddj wrote

Yep. There is one party of's a charade of choice.

But by all means,keep finding the military industrial complex!


Fabulousfemur t1_iwxcczl wrote

I'm not smart enough to to know if our military budget is too large. I am concerned about China, Russia, and the middle east. What i would like to see is an audit of how all the money the federal government receives is used. Trim the fat in all programs.

And we need the federal government to budget more like a family budgets; the government should base its budget on income not require income to support its budget.


Zap_Franka t1_iwxez8o wrote

Couldn't agree more! I'm just saying that billions of essentially unaccountable money (so clue where th other poster's paltry 4.5b came from) is just funnelling into what we up until like 6 years ago called the most corrupt nation in Europe.

Pfff...and audit? You mean like an audit of where 1 trillion of similar (defense) money disappeared and right before a certain attack on our country?

Trust me...I'm right there with you. We could have literally fixed homelessness with with our proxy war 'budget’ against Russia. And more.... But even the fake progressives are all pro war. Two sides of the same coin....a false perception of choice.


Zap_Franka t1_iwwx939 wrote

We're considering 38 billion more as of 3 days ago which gets us closer to the 100 billion mark pretty quick.