Submitted by 802birdman t3_zugzf3 in vermont
dnstommy t1_j1j56i0 wrote
Efing trees! Am I right!
Alarming_Sorbet3281 t1_j1j5mpl wrote
Better den four, ayy?
Trajikbpm t1_j1j81do wrote
Same tho....
blutbad_buddy t1_j1j8nvj wrote
Vague post is vague.
Stockmom42 t1_j1j94be wrote
More trees more problems?
[deleted] t1_j1jhr1n wrote
[deleted] t1_j1jhscj wrote
jwc8985 t1_j1jpc18 wrote
I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that you have more to share. Otherwise, consider us stumped.
thrudvangr t1_j1jwy9a wrote
I got 99 problems and a tree aunt...oh, nevermind. I got 98 problems and a tree is one
vtforester t1_j1k2z2m wrote
Tree solutions!
Outrageous-Outside61 t1_j1kdr22 wrote
Idk I’m happy with my trees. Keeping my house warm.
Fantastic_Painter_15 t1_j1kuqsr wrote
Personally I’m a big fan of trees
zkentvt t1_j1lpjb7 wrote
Don't hug crazy
sound_of_apocalypto t1_j1lrdby wrote
Be thankful it’s tree and not four.
mr_chip_douglas t1_j1m1tfd wrote
You just couldn’t leaf it alone
Euphoric-Still-6066 t1_j1m2hso wrote
I love all trees except white pines.
brothermuffin t1_j1mguc3 wrote
Why not white pines?
blutbad_buddy t1_j1ms0jk wrote
I really want to know what the root of the problem is. I think we might be barking up the wrong tree.
grn_mtn_grl_802 t1_j1mwv90 wrote
Name checks out
Euphoric-Still-6066 t1_j27o58n wrote
The sap gets on everything and makes it hard to cut. Also makes it hard to burn. No one wants white pine wood.
They drop needles year round and have a time in the spring that pollen dusts everything for weeks.
But most of all they grow too big for themselves. Huge branches will just break off randomly making them dangerously uneven and just ugly.
Wired0ne t1_j1j4vi2 wrote
I'll bite.. So.. trees.. ??