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Traditional_Lab_5468 t1_j36g0lx wrote

homie nobody here has any idea what a nurse that works with your wife meant when they said VT has a "certain type of people". If you don't know, and you know your wife, how tf would we ever be able to figure that out lol

If you're thinking of moving here, just visit for a bit.


[deleted] t1_j37coyj wrote

i laughed so hard at your first sentence. IKR


Vness374 t1_j393hai wrote

You, lol, you’re the type of people op’s wife’s coworker is talking about. And also the reason I love Vermonters


That1FcknGuy OP t1_j37ncjx wrote

Yes you are correct, annonymous stranger on the internet. I don't expect anyone to know what exactly she meant by saying that, I'm more interested in hearing the perspective of the people that live/have lived there. Chances are it was related to some political notion, considering I'm currently in a very openly conservative community.


That1FcknGuy OP t1_j36rosr wrote

We plan on it and this comment makes no bearing on my decision to do so. Just thought it was funny and figured I'd ask.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j36tp5k wrote

Vermont is known as a liberal-leaning state. That may be what this friend of your wife’s was referring to. That you, as a right leaning person, might be uncomfortable among liberals.

Vermont and New England and the East Coast also have a reputation for being unfriendly. Stereotypes. You are talking incorrect, unfavorable stereotypes.


TheTowerBard t1_j37555p wrote

She might also be referring to the fact that even though we are known as a "liberal-leaning" state, that that's not entirely true. It's easy to hide all the racism and homophobia when you live in one of the least diverse states. Either way, Traditional_Lab had it right. Without knowing them or the nurse, we have no way of knowing what she meant.