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DicmoVolant t1_j5v4l2t wrote

Shit, in NY I've seen the state troopers fake a roadside breakdown with a shitty old truck, hood up, and the spotter inside. At the next freeway entrance, they a bunch of patrol cars waiting to pull people over. I've also seen them do this with the spotter parked on an overpass, or tucked way back into the trees (with green cars).

Vermont could never afford such shenanigans.


Willman3755 t1_j5vtgug wrote

NY cops suck man.

I've never even been pulled over in Vermont, but in Plattsburgh I've gotten two tickets, one for going 58 in a 45 (I legitimately missed the 45 mph sign at least partly because I've never seen those on proper highways here) and the other for having an out of date VT inspection sticker on my Vt-registered car (that I'm fairly certain NY cops can't enforce...)


VasilyKomotskie t1_j6k61b5 wrote

If you got pulled over in the 45 I think you got pulled over in, you played right into the trap. They literally wait for those green plates 🤣


Willman3755 t1_j6kudk9 wrote

100% lmao.

I now have a radar detector since I do a ton of out of state highway driving (34k miles on my car that I bought new in February).


VasilyKomotskie t1_j6kuygb wrote

As a NYer who lived my entire childhood in the VT speed trap, it’s not worth it to even go slightly over. They are waiting specifically for you haha