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kleptopaul t1_j5wif7d wrote

Most the guns in Chicago come from Indiana, which has lax gun laws.


SkettiStay t1_j5wzvqy wrote

Not true. Most come from Illinois, by far.

>ATF Trace data shows the top five states where guns recovered in Illinois were originally purchased from are Illinois (49.8%), Indiana (16.7%), Missouri (5.4%), Wisconsin (3.9%) and Kentucky (2.6%). Federal agents at the ATF identified the source state of 11,708 traced firearms in 2020.

Edit: That's for guns recovered in Illinois, not Chicago - it was a big story a couple of years ago. If you have different numbers for Chicago, I'd be interested.


kleptopaul t1_j5yenfn wrote

I was referencing this story from a few years back( albeit hyperbolically):

People illegally selling guns from Indiana in Chicago is a big thing.


SkettiStay t1_j5z1he8 wrote

Thank you.

It definitely sounds like they have a case against that gun shop.