kleptopaul t1_j6o2ob5 wrote
This sucks so much. Seeing the bald eagles around Ludlow is awesome and it sucks that some idiots would fuck with them.
kleptopaul t1_j6cn7oy wrote
Reply to What is the best place to live in Vermont within an hour drive from a large airport? by FormalPound4287
Sorry but no.
kleptopaul t1_j5yenfn wrote
Reply to comment by SkettiStay in self-defense effectively being banned in Vermont. by Northwoods01
I was referencing this story from a few years back( albeit hyperbolically): https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/04/27/chicago-sues-gun-store-tied-850-guns-recovered-crime-scenes/4854619001/
People illegally selling guns from Indiana in Chicago is a big thing.
kleptopaul t1_j5wif7d wrote
Reply to comment by _foxmotron_ in self-defense effectively being banned in Vermont. by Northwoods01
Most the guns in Chicago come from Indiana, which has lax gun laws.
kleptopaul t1_j5wi9zv wrote
Reply to comment by Macbookaroniandchez in self-defense effectively being banned in Vermont. by Northwoods01
It’s incredibly unlikely your home will be invaded in Vermont.
kleptopaul t1_j4itlxi wrote
Reply to comment by bibliophile222 in favorite weekend trips away from VT? by nektraveler
Seconded. Do Montreal and Quebec City.
kleptopaul t1_j9c7gog wrote
Reply to VT lakes that allow paddling but not power boating by DernKala1975
Emerald lake in Dorset.