_foxmotron_ t1_j5wnsia wrote
Reply to comment by joeydokes in self-defense effectively being banned in Vermont. by Northwoods01
Or, y’know, gun control at a state level is pointless? What’s the purpose of strict gun control in California if you can just go to Nevada and easily get guns?
Or whatever point you were attempting to make I guess
_foxmotron_ t1_j5w7h96 wrote
Reply to comment by joeydokes in self-defense effectively being banned in Vermont. by Northwoods01
It doesn’t prove anything? California has the strictest restrictions, and their rates of gun violence are among the lowest in the country. Rural Wyoming has the third highest.
The point we should be looking at is why are we even debating gun laws at a state level? They’re meaningless.
_foxmotron_ t1_j5vysf8 wrote
Reply to comment by joeydokes in self-defense effectively being banned in Vermont. by Northwoods01
California has 20 times the population of the three states you listed.
_foxmotron_ t1_j5vek53 wrote
Reply to comment by Belastin in self-defense effectively being banned in Vermont. by Northwoods01
whispers I agree, but I like to see the mental gymnastics people put themselves through to explain why it’s different.
_foxmotron_ t1_j5v66ey wrote
Reply to comment by Gubru in self-defense effectively being banned in Vermont. by Northwoods01
I’m Not saying there’s a correlation. I’m responding to someone who is implying a correlation between stricter gun laws and gun violence.
_foxmotron_ t1_j5v49kn wrote
Reply to comment by HappilyhiketheHump in self-defense effectively being banned in Vermont. by Northwoods01
So we should legalize all drugs then?
_foxmotron_ t1_j5v3xyn wrote
Reply to comment by grnmtnboy0 in self-defense effectively being banned in Vermont. by Northwoods01
Places with more lenient gun laws have more gun violence.
_foxmotron_ t1_j4ggeu2 wrote
Reply to If you had to pick one restaurant in the greater BTV area which would be your favorite? (Pick 1) Why is it your favorite? Is it the food, atmosphere, people? by thegateway_way
Skinny pancake! Their food is just absolutely delicious, and it’s in a beautiful location
_foxmotron_ t1_j2uuvpw wrote
Reply to comment by somedudevt in Burlington had 5 murders in 2022, the most since 1960 by BoringAccountName78
Do I think that there’s an issue that will lead to a trend in rising murder rates? Probably not. Do I think issues that exist that by solving would probably lower the crime rate in general? One hundred percent.
_foxmotron_ t1_j2utw2q wrote
Reply to comment by somedudevt in Burlington had 5 murders in 2022, the most since 1960 by BoringAccountName78
That’s you making assumptions about my intent. I’m not responsible for your assumptions.
_foxmotron_ t1_j2us9ie wrote
Reply to comment by somedudevt in Burlington had 5 murders in 2022, the most since 1960 by BoringAccountName78
Care to show where I said we should take no action?
_foxmotron_ t1_j2u8lla wrote
Reply to comment by Hulk_Runs in Burlington had 5 murders in 2022, the most since 1960 by BoringAccountName78
They don’t pertain to what we’re talking about.
_foxmotron_ t1_j2u38km wrote
Reply to comment by Hulk_Runs in Burlington had 5 murders in 2022, the most since 1960 by BoringAccountName78
However many it takes to see a trend.
“Burlington had more murders in 2022”, and, “There’s no indication that murder rates are on the rise in Burlington” can both be true statements.
_foxmotron_ t1_j2tzcl2 wrote
Reply to comment by Hulk_Runs in Burlington had 5 murders in 2022, the most since 1960 by BoringAccountName78
Really setting up the straw men now aren’t we?
_foxmotron_ t1_j2ttxhb wrote
Reply to comment by Hulk_Runs in Burlington had 5 murders in 2022, the most since 1960 by BoringAccountName78
Seeing a one time bump in stats after the stats have remained consistent for X years is the definition of a statistical anomaly. My initial comment literally said “Statistical anomaly until WE HAVE MORE DATA IN THE FUTURE.”
_foxmotron_ t1_j2tsl2w wrote
Reply to comment by Hulk_Runs in Burlington had 5 murders in 2022, the most since 1960 by BoringAccountName78
It doesn’t prove your point, because we know the actual number, and I based my statement on that. Making me defend that statement based on different numbers is the definition of a straw man argument.
I haven’t avoided the question once. I didn’t think this needed to be clarified. The data we’re dealing with is “number of murders per year.” Unless that number stays the same, or goes up over several years then a trend can be identified. Until then it’s a statistical anomaly.
_foxmotron_ t1_j2t9fuv wrote
Reply to comment by Hulk_Runs in Burlington had 5 murders in 2022, the most since 1960 by BoringAccountName78
You understand that making up huge numbers doesn’t prove your point right?
I did answer the question. Based on the actual data available 5 murders is a statistical anomaly. When more data is available then trends can be identified.
_foxmotron_ t1_j2t52t7 wrote
Reply to comment by Hulk_Runs in Burlington had 5 murders in 2022, the most since 1960 by BoringAccountName78
Hypothetically- On Monday you find a dollar on the ground. Tuesday you find nothing. Wednesday you find a dollar. Thursday you find nothing. Friday you find nothing. Saturday you find a twenty.
What’s the likely outcome for Sunday? It’s entirely possible that every day after you find a twenty, but the data you have suggests that MOST LIKELY you find nothing, and that Saturday was a statistical anomaly.
You can’t assume the worst, because of hypotheticals. You have to use the actual data available at the moment, and adjust when new data becomes available.
_foxmotron_ t1_j2s8wsb wrote
Statistical anomaly until we have more data in the future.
_foxmotron_ t1_jbzpuz2 wrote
Reply to comment by duckduckghost1 in Straight for the jugular by Free_Custard_7894
Only in Republican’s imaginations