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Markantonpeterson t1_j7fvg2c wrote

How do you even come back from something like this. All of these buildings probably need to be demolished and rebuilt right?


dollinsdv t1_j7fz1f5 wrote

Just awful. Freezing temperatures, another major earthquake, and countless aftershocks. A true nightmare.


schistkicker t1_j7g0xct wrote

Judging by the last few seconds, all of those buildings had open first floor storefronts that just pancaked down.


guiballmaster t1_j7gblpu wrote

Last building seems least damaged, also looks like the most contemporarily engineered


investinlove t1_j7gss6r wrote

Remember these images when you feel like bitching about US construction permits and inspections.

Also, cost of CA real estate include a lot of requirements so this doesn't happen to our properties.


frostygnosis t1_j7hpd91 wrote

What the hell is going on with Reddit? I've seen 5 posts this morning about the earthquake and all tweets/video posts have been deleted.


Phidelt1550 t1_j7i99ng wrote

Nature is fucking crazy.

Thoughts going out to our brothers, sisters, and others overseas.


futurespacecadet t1_j7iiznj wrote

is this due to the building quality there or the severity of the earthquake?


Bosconater t1_j7inxzu wrote

Maybe they can rebuild with the environment in mind. More trees, rain water collection, stronger more  resilient materials. Humanity Will always be struck with disasters. He’s how we respond and react that will determine our future


DanSantos t1_j7mr9mx wrote

Probably both. Concrete and other very rigid structures are more likely to break. Wood buildings sway and are known to survive earthquakes. Source: we had a big one in AK a few years back and a friend was our town building inspector. He said my home was likely safer than a newer concrete construction because it was wood.


fairygodmotherfckr t1_j7p0dd4 wrote

Kahramanmaraş has a a large population of refugees, there were more than 17,000 at one refugee centre. These people were living on the knife edge every day, I cannot imagine what this catastrophe will do to them...

For all of the current regime's considerable flaws, Turkey hosts the most refugees in the world, at last count they had 3.7 million such people. That level of generosity should be commended, and I'm happy to see so many nations and individuals racing to help however they can.

But neither Syria nor Turkey is in a position to absorb this catastrophe - nearly one in five people in Turkey were malnourished prior to this event, for example.

If you are able, please consider donating to the International Rescue Committee or a similar charity.