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TheDeadlySquid t1_j1dh9c2 wrote

When I see documentaries like this it’s makes me so angry in this day and age when you have deniers and wannabe fascists.


Blockadiddy t1_j1ek2x0 wrote

Stories of the Holocaust also make me angry and tearing up because of the brutal injustice that has been put upon those poor people. Cannot stand that this is what humankind is capable of as well, despite all the good.


aboabro t1_j1exxgr wrote

Usually deniers are people trying to spread misinformation


Ac997 t1_j1fj7kr wrote

How can you take people that deny that the holocaust happened serious? Where are you even meeting these people? I’ve never met anyone that believes it never happened, if I did I wouldn’t be angry, I’d probably just feel bad for them considering they’re probably really stupid of might actually have something wrong with their head.


Go_easy_on_me_folks t1_j1fzo1t wrote

You should be angry. They're either fooled by someone intentionally spreading misinformation for antisemitic reasons, or they're intentially spreading it themselves. Either way it leads back to antisemitism and the belief that Jewish people are less than human. If that doesn't make you angry, it should.


thesnuggyone t1_j1gisif wrote

I honestly don’t get it. Do these people understand what Nazis were, and not care? Or are they ridiculous idiots who honestly don’t know what they did???

Fascism experiencing a resurgence in recent years hurts my brain. I can’t wrap my head around people preaching this evil.

For god sake, every year of my life from 4th grade on I had a Holocaust unit in school, read the personal accounts, saw the haunting photographs and videos….who makes it through childhood in the USA and winds up thinking they want to be a Nazi??


ThisIsNotAnAlias t1_j1hes4a wrote

If people believe that Sandy Hook victims were 'crisis actors', then you have no chance of making them believe any information that's 80 years old and does not fit their beliefs.

Imo Hollywood is to blame as well: in media, the Nazis were often portrayed as powerful enemies, a force to reckon with, while Nazi crimes against humanity were too shocking to show and only hinted at.

I don't know the exact reason why people identify with Nazis but I'd wager it's the same reason why people identify with storm troopers from Star Wars, an allegory to the SS.

It's deeply upsetting that we seemingly cannot learn the lessons we could learn from so much suffering.


TheWolfisGrey53 t1_j1fmuvj wrote

That's what gets me. Like it ain't even folks saying the Civil War or WW1 didn't happen. Saying a traceable, generational defining event not happening is beyond

Some people can be tracked on paper of thier trials and tribulations they suffered...