Submitted by ImaginarySector366 t3_yiqme1 in wallstreetbets

I have lost a lot like a lot of hard earned money in the past couple months. Last week, all I had left was $600, and I was looking on Friday Oct 28th at a Spy call (everyone was saying puts puts) but I just saw it and i was like this call this is it. But cause of all my past losses, I didn’t have the guts to press submit I just didn’t. And guess what, 2000% gains it went up 2000 frickin percent. I can’t believe I had it all was left just submit and at the end of day I could’ve gained 2000%. But I didn’t make it and I got even more scared cause I missed it cause I was scared.

Anyway, today I was like I am not missing anything cause of fear, and I made two trades, both expired worthless so $600 is gone.

I am sick of this. And it’s not like I just gamble. I calculate it and go for it, but I feel like the universe against me. Sometimes when I sell to break even it goes up later. And when I am like leave it let’s not just break even it will go up, no it goes down and down.

How do you deal with this and get back up and have guts to trade again.



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VisualMod t1_iujytrx wrote

>There is no easy answer to this question. Overcoming fear is a difficult process that requires time and effort. However, it is possible to overcome your fears and become a successful trader. Here are some tips that may help you:

  1. Make sure that you have done your research before making any trades. This will help you feel more confident in your decisions and less fearful of the outcome.
  2. Take small steps at first. Don't try to make huge gains all at once. Instead, focus on slowly building up your capital over time. 3) Set realistic goals for yourself and don't strive for perfectionism . Accepting losses as part of the trading process can be tough, but it's important to remember that even the best traders lose money sometimes

GoingKerm t1_iujz3ws wrote

Always go with your gut and don’t let the regards on here say otherwise. Everyone on here is regarded and we know nothing. Remember that.

Scared money don’t make money my brotha.


Swiftnice t1_iujz512 wrote

Take out a loan or cash advance on your credit card and keep going.


rob_burnley t1_iujz9me wrote

Every trade is a gamble. Never bet more than 10% of your cash imo


neothedreamer t1_iujzaor wrote

Dude. You are gambling. Stop now.

0DTE are absolutely gambling.

Just start buying SPY and let it sit for decades otherwise you will just keep losing everything you put in.


ImaginarySector366 OP t1_iujzjrw wrote

I swear man that Friday was insane man. Everyone yolo 100s thousands and more on puts. I was like no this call is the right call. And I made a limit order that was going to execute it opened at the price that I was going for. If I just submit it man. 2000% that’s like what lottery ticket.


Thetagamer t1_iuk09ab wrote

first off, you have a gambling problem you need to accept that (also welcome to the club). Second, no “calculated safe” trade makes 2000%. so again, welcome to the gambling club fellow regard


WTF_CAKE t1_iuk0lvg wrote

You're 100% gambling you tard. You gotta own up to your issues. I've lost and gained a shit ton of money, I was gambling to get higher highs. If you wanna gamble so bad and be in a safe lane just buy shares and be patient.


Dazzling_Ad9250 t1_iuk1b6s wrote

just work and save man. you can hit big MAYBE but you’re watching your hard-earned money at 40 hours a week slaving away being thrown into the pockets of these fuck hedgies. once you have a good bankroll stacked from working see if you can invest in a low risk, 8-10% return a year mutual fund. perfect your craft, demand higher wages. if you’re not moving up, move out. maybe in 5 years you’ll have saved $25k from working that you feel comfortable sinking into a long term investment. fast forward 15-25 years, still dumping money into that and retirement, still demanding better pay, and even still getting better at what you do. your account will be worth millions, you will have nice stuff, debt free hopefully. you may not be able to get the newest F8 Ferrari in 6 months but this is life you have a long way to go.


NihilisticCoffee t1_iuk2ky2 wrote

That’s what gambling is, you see a glimmer of hope and say this is it. Or you tell yourself you don’t wanna miss it. You’re 100% gambling, never go all in you gotta pace yourself and take small gains. Cut your losses on losing trades and only do like 5% max of your portfolio in any 1 trade.


NOT_MartinShkreli t1_iuk6ta4 wrote

DCA into GME weeklies til they explode and you recover.

You’re welcome


Jupman t1_iuk84ix wrote

Save your $600 for an emergency.


Smithmonster t1_iuk86ms wrote

Like 95% of options expire worthless, if you go play in a casino long enough you will lose all your money. If you’re going to gamble don’t be mad when you lose. We’re entering a recession, stocks stocks are going to be cheap. Save your money until then, then buy safe stocks or etfs. Then wait ten years.


JustSayingMuch t1_iuk8wc8 wrote

You're emotional because your positions are too large. Save up some fun money, then reenter with a few 1% positions. Work on consistently following your rules, then look for profit. Never bet more than 10% of your cash on options. You'd still have over $400 if...


Mr_Snow___ t1_iuka44x wrote

Spend a couple of years studying charts for 12+ hours a day. Work out the math to paint on the screen what you think should happen. When it doesn't, go back and work out math to narrow down why it didn't. Rinse/repeat until you know the "indicator" forwards, backwards, up && down. Don't risk what you can't live without. YW.


dwinps t1_iukaygo wrote

Yes you are gambling