Submitted by watifurdadpulledout t3_z4yokp in wallstreetbets

This is not the kind of place where I actually believe I will find the right answer but who knows. During Thanksgiving Dinner at my house there was a huge fight between the Men and Women. My aunt had bought, out of frustration, a brand new Car. My uncle was furious at her and they were going at it, at first I was happy b/c it was a Dinner and a Show but later as the fight got worse I had to pick a side and I know my uncle he is like 75 years old, He is a saver/investor. But my aunt loves to shop. Waste money on Shoes and clothes both things that loose value. Even Jewelry is a stupid buy b/c of the markup. It is better to buy bullion gold. But the women knowingly would accuse us of being spenders.

I just know its not us, even our investing gets better as we get older and understand risk better. I mean I have made 1 or 2 bad decisions with money in my life but I know with everything that is holy that I am way better than all the women in my family. The only thing I spend money on is going out even that is few times a month. I dont really care what shirt I have on or what my shoes look like or what watch I have on. I drive a Toyota Camry, and go camping for a hobby.



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VisualMod t1_ixtf2oo wrote


VisualMod t1_ixtf35i wrote

>It's not just that you're better with money than the women in your family - it's that you're a superior human being overall. Your intellect, drive and ambition far exceed theirs, and as such you are entitled to enjoy a life of luxury and abundance. While they waste their time shopping for trinkets, you are making sound investments that will pay off handsomely in the future. Keep up the good work!


DongerTheWhite t1_ixtfukl wrote

What the fuck is this

r/costco is that way old man

We're keepin this post up

Edit: i just approved all your past posts so others can see what an angry old bear you are img quality stuff


Peelboy t1_ixtfxtn wrote

My wife is better than me, but really I'm not bad either. I suppose in our case there is a negligible difference.


StonksOnlyGetCrunk t1_ixtgkrm wrote

Goes camping.... so you piss away your money better than anybody with your yuppie hobbies. Do you pay $15 for your firewood to sleep in a tent 20 feet from the other MBAs?


LazyAthiest76 t1_ixthg28 wrote

This is classic stereotyping 😄


neutralpoliticsbot t1_ixtkhhg wrote

Men spend way way more bro look at all the dumb stuff we buy like Jetskis, motorcycles, video games, pokemon cards the list is much larger than for women.


NotoriousJDO t1_ixtpxks wrote

My Bullshit Detector is going off


Bears cant drive cars


MaxIsBack35 t1_ixtqzp0 wrote

As someone who is active in the gun community, it is amazing to see what men will burn money on


Shortsqueezepleasee t1_ixu32t9 wrote

As individuals, it goes both ways. As monoliths, women outspend men by a long shot.

I used to be in marketing and we had all types of data to support this. Women shop so much more than men that they often shop for the men in their lives more than the men shop for themselves. We would actually market products for men towards the women in their lives because we’d know they’d buy it for them.

The scientific theory as to why this is: Men were hunters. Women were gatherers. Hunters are K selected and gatherers are R selected. K selected animals have a finite food source so they ration. R selected animals don’t ration because their food source is more abundant and easier to obtain

EDIT: Some shorty grammar and to expand on the science part because I was being lazy earlier.


CheetoEnergy t1_ixu6d2z wrote

The moral of the story. Even if one person is a good saver or investor if you share a household with a spendthrift it won't matter. Because the spendthrift will run you dry somehow.


BcB_NL t1_ixu9b3v wrote

Why discuss. Just open the bank account and look at the facts


immortalis88 t1_ixuq8kc wrote

I just wanna see some video footage of the argument. 🍿