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[deleted] t1_j91c6ko wrote



frankie_fudgepop t1_j91f3iz wrote

Dude, in my experience men try to “mind their own business” when this goes down. I’ve only been helped out by fellow women in these scenarios. I’ve point blank ASKED men to help me out in these types of situations and had them walk away. Sure, not all men, but enough men behave this way to give men a bad reputation.

I love it when women share their lived experiences and ppl like you come to tell us we’re wrong.


[deleted] t1_j91jt17 wrote



frankie_fudgepop t1_j91kdb6 wrote

Not really sure how this is relevant to the discussion at hand (ways for women to stay safe and get help on public transit).

Good luck with…everything. I think you have some, uh, personal stuff to work on.


annang t1_j92l8o7 wrote

You calling women you don’t know “ho€s” really gives me confidence that you’d step up to help a stranger feel safe from gender-based harassment. /s


[deleted] t1_j91iz4u wrote



twenty-six-sixty-six t1_j91kocp wrote

real talk bro, you might not wanna call them hoes as part of your argument defending men


[deleted] t1_j91mqpd wrote



twenty-six-sixty-six t1_j91n98i wrote

you say you don't give a fuck, but it clearly bothers you

personally i'd recommend taking it all in stride, and understand that the shit people say on reddit has very little contact with real life. everyone on reddit is trying to show off that one gender studies class they took 7 years ago, but people in real life are just trying to get by


[deleted] t1_j91nno5 wrote



twenty-six-sixty-six t1_j91nwe4 wrote

you're not doing a good job challenging anything, you're just coming off as easily upset


VoodooGirl47 t1_j93u796 wrote

Nah, he's just proving that he truly is an incel. Let him do his thing. He's having fun waving that flag around and everyone else knows that he's not worth our time.


annang t1_j92le6j wrote

You’re behaving like a creep. If you want fewer women to think that men are creeps, stop acting like one and perpetuating the stereotype. Because you’re actively harming the reputation of your gender when you say this crap.


alltaken123467 t1_j92yd79 wrote

This comment made me laugh. We’re talking about actions we can take to feel safe in public transport and your take away is that we think ‘all men are the devil’. That is hilarious to me!

I’m happily married, professionally successful, and have a heathy and loving friend group. However, when I take public transport, none of that matters.

I’ve had men who I don’t know yell that they want to fuck me and then scream bitch when I ignore them. I’ve had strange men smell my hair on the metro, touch my hair on the metro, try to get me to go on dates, ask me if I’ve ever fucked a black guy, and had one dude punch the window in front of me after I ignored his requests to fuck. Alllll I’m trying to do is go to work or come home from work and all of that happens.

No one helped me- not once. So I’ve developed a system to reduce the likelihood of unwanted attention. If that system hurts your feelings, it seems like a ‘you’ problem. Personally, I feel great!