
VoodooGirl47 t1_ja1pi7k wrote

I'm not super familiar with metro out that way but there are definitely longer distances between stations once you get out past Ballston.

I think it might have some closer together for the bigger areas like Tysons and Reston, but similar to the East Bay with BART in the SF Bay Area, the further out suburbs will be set up to require people drive and park to each station from that surrounding area for long distance transit use only versus using it locally for super short micro trips in the major city centers (DC and Arlington).


VoodooGirl47 t1_j274w1e wrote

Updating that I registered on the website as it didn't let me in app. Realized that it actually is Nixle. I then managed to link my phone number to the app and my San Francisco subscriptions showed up, but none of the ones that I just subscribed to for DC on the website did. It doesn't let me login in the app. Help? The FAQ doesn't tell me how to login. 🙃


VoodooGirl47 t1_j270b12 wrote

Thank you for the link!! San Francisco uses the Nixle Alerts and I signed up for some DC stuff through them (mainly just parks and rec updates) almost 2 years ago and thought it was stupid that they didn't fully utilize that type of system. I'm signing up for this one now.


VoodooGirl47 t1_j20u1g1 wrote

I went as it was the first time it happened while I have been living in DC. Was it amazing? No. It was fun to walk around with a friend while chatting, drinking cocktails, and looking at the lights and taking pictures of them. It was an artsy walking/drinking experience.


VoodooGirl47 t1_j1c1q85 wrote

So from what I've read, it sounds like someone gave the other notice. While you should easily be able to fight this at least temporarily, you should definitely consider whether it's best for you to do so, especially if they had given you notice and you weren't compliant to the sublease that you signed with the master tenant.

We definitely aren't hearing the full story even from just your side of things, so there is absolutely nothing that we could even help point out to you. Just call the OTA.


VoodooGirl47 t1_j0zzsc7 wrote

I don't use the phone app/smart wallet so regarding losing the physical card, I actually put it into a slim card holder to not lose it. The kind that has a clear ID window works great too, so you just pull the thing out of your pocket or purse/bag and tap. It makes it a bit bigger and with material that will prevent it from easily slipping out unseen and you can even easily find it in a big messy bag just by touch.


VoodooGirl47 t1_j0zxwpd wrote

Reply to comment by rlpw in Death Cab/Postal Service Shows by Chaiwok

I'm assuming by another comment that this is about Death Cab For Cutie and not some other band. I saw DCFC a few times at 924 Gilman St in Berkeley when I worked there back in the late 90's. Good band but I never really got into their music personally.


VoodooGirl47 t1_j0f56s9 wrote

Having lived in the SF Bay Area for 24 yrs before moving out here almost 2 yrs ago, the only real cheesesteak I know is from this Bay Area chain.


They are hella good though, and they have chicken ones too that I'd affectionately refer to as a 'Chickencheese'. 😅

Many years ago, they also had the best burgers ever. The burger meat got too expensive so they discontinued them. They were so addictive though. 😭

I did have the occasional one at Charleys but that was in the mall food court and seemed more like an average sandwich versus real cheesesteak so I didn't count those. 😬🤷