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WuPacalypse t1_isz7b5a wrote

But keep voting for Bowser just cuz it says “democrat”next to her name y’all. She’s the one not doing anything about this shit.


NorseTikiBar t1_iszfppc wrote

Maybe Republicans should stop descending into fascism at the national level if they want anyone to consider voting for them at any level? Iunno, just spit-balling.


spince t1_iszl848 wrote

Srsly. I hate the environment we have right now about feeling safe in the streets but i know I'll definitely hate being persecuted by fascists and having a government dedicated to taking my basic human rights away because i'm the wrong color and religion more.


asldkjgljkaeiovne t1_isztxel wrote

I'm a moderate Dem and I have only ever voted that way since 1992, but I find it irrational to label Republicans as fascist, or semi-fascist, and ignorant, willfully or otherwise. I've tried understanding this argument but the premises are always so easily invalidated if we look at the whole of the facts. I'll name one example, the Roe decision, which by the way RBG would've agreed with the majority as she's stated numerous times she believed the Fourth didn't support. The Justices didn't say abortion should be illegal, they only decided the case law was faulty. Even I knew this was true back in the 80s when I was a kid marching against the "Moral Majority." But this is never even discussed amongst Dems, they refuse to be objective and look at the case law and instead promote a narrative that abortion was banned by the decision (it wasn't, it went back to the states and we need to bring a better case than privacy clause), and we also refuse to answer at what point life is created and therefor, abortion is akin to murder. I'm annoyed to no end by this omission of all of the facts in favor of the easy, low hanging fruit of crying "fascist" at those who abide by valid logic based on factual premises, and all of the premises, not just the ones that suit our desired ideological outcomes. But I digress, not looking for a political discussion here and won't be back to discuss because I have to get my kids to where they need to go. Have a great day.


NorseTikiBar t1_it025ws wrote

> but I find it irrational to label Republicans as fascist, or semi-fascist, and ignorant, willfully or otherwise.

Then you must've just woke up from a 7 year coma.

> I'll name one example, the Roe decision, which by the way RBG would've agreed with the majority as she's stated numerous times she believed the Fourth didn't support.

That issue was solved with Casey v Planned Parenthood, but I shouldn't be surprised you're ignorant on the facts here, too.

> The Justices didn't say abortion should be illegal, they only decided the case law was faulty.

No, they decided to blatantly ignore precedent for partisan objectives.


Fit-Negotiation-2917 t1_it15zhs wrote

They said the precedent was incorrectly decided. Just because something is precedent, doesn’t mean that it gets automatic deference all the time.

Precedent is overturned constantly if you paid attention.


NorseTikiBar t1_it168vj wrote

In other words: "I'm happy that my side won, and I don't give a shit about the legal gymnastics that went into it."


Fit-Negotiation-2917 t1_it1may3 wrote

Lolwut. How do you manage to twist what I said into that? Some messed up logic (or lack thereof).


MacManus14 t1_it0274q wrote

The Supreme Court case is not why they are “semi-fascist”.

It’s the authoritarianism and the “strong man” leader, the insurrection, the coup attempt, and constant attacks on democratic institutions.


firstfreres t1_iszev17 wrote

I considered voting for the Republican but look up her campaign site. It's literally nothing of substance. No plans, no direction. Seems like a decent person who needs way more experience before she's fit to be a mayor.


EC_dwtn t1_iszjcnt wrote

Everyone in the primary had Democrat next to their name.


MacManus14 t1_it01wgy wrote

Compared to those who ran against her in the primary, and many on the council, she is tough on crime.


ArmAromatic6461 t1_it1ahrf wrote

Bowser is the toughest-on-crime politician DC will ever elect. The problem is all the Charles Allens and Brianne Nadeaus and Elissa Silvermans on the council


Sufficient-Job-1013 t1_iszzns0 wrote

The Council can veto any policy she tries to enact. They denied increased funding for police, they try to push for defunding. Council ultimately has more power and needs to be held accountable.


Brickleberried t1_iszprv2 wrote

You realize that the Democratic primary is the important one here, right?