
swantonsoup t1_j2b9clh wrote

Virginia is 2% on $0-3000, 3% $3001-5000, 5% $5001-17k, and 5.75% $17,001+

DC is 4% $0-10k, 6% $10k-40k, 6.5% $40-60k, and 8.5% (!) $60-$250k

Someone making $80k would pay $4343 in VA and $5,200 in DC. Comparing SALT taxes is tough cause property, vehicles, groceries, alcohol, gas, etc have differing tax rates but the DC income tax _is_ high.


swantonsoup t1_j26bouh wrote

Yeah, there just isnt a point. This area is so narrow minded, its frustrating. There's no diversity, everyone believes the same stuff. There's no "I dont think I agree with you but why do you feel that?"

I move here being center-left and now I feel like I'm center-right and look how this sub responds.

Its just not worth arguing.


swantonsoup t1_j11ssr8 wrote

Im not sure. Just seeing if anyone else feels the same and/or trying for a discussion. Help me see what I'm not seeing.

I'm not leaving DC even though I'd love to. The city, even with all her faults, has been good to me. Good job, good house, good friends, etc.

I just dont see myself alining with typical DC very much.


swantonsoup t1_j11p23u wrote

I think people complain about WMATA entirely too much. My favorite thing about this city is how easy it is to get around without a car. I take a bus every day and think its a very well run system.

But I do think the crime and the impunity needs to be talked about as much, if not more, than it is.