Submitted by mikeydhakid t3_zxef34 in washingtondc
You see that little stick to the left of your steering wheel? Push it up if you're turning right, and push it down if you're turning left.
Submitted by mikeydhakid t3_zxef34 in washingtondc
You see that little stick to the left of your steering wheel? Push it up if you're turning right, and push it down if you're turning left.
As Henry Cho puts it, What’s that clickin’ noise?
Hear hear
oh and the flashers do not give you absolute permission to do any fucking thing you want.
edit: I was once cut off in DC traffic. When we inevitably pulled up next to each other at a light, I calmly asked the wonderful driver to use her blinker. Her reply; "I don wanchu ta know wur ahm goin.".
I shit you not.
This is one of my favorite comedic stories ever!
Ya but then nobody lets you over, you gotta surprise them.
/s but not really
Instructions unclear, windshield noticeably cleaner
You’d be surprised how many times someone speeds up as soon as I turn on my blinker.
And for MD drivers? Did you know it is actually possible to get from Point A to Point Z without mashing your gas pedal right to the floor the whole way?
No, really. I'm serious. Give it a try next time.
As someone who drives in this area as my main way of getting around, I don't think I would.
Cool story, bro. You think this isn't universal?
Oh man, that's OLLLLLLD! I remember that bit from the 80s
And put your f-cking blinker on before the light changes!! I don't know how many times I've pulled up behind someone in the left lane and no blinker. Then the light changes and the left blinker comes on and now I'm stuck. This is not how this works! What the f-ck?
I’m sure all those drivers not only use Reddit but also are very open to suggestions from a stranger!
Finally things are getting done in this town
Nah he’s probably one of those folks that just likes to bitch and complain if he lived in Wichita He’s post the same thing in r/Wichita
Some Humans really just wanna give their opinion on almost everything. Reddit has just given a platform to those negative folks who wanna complain about all the personal pet peeves they have
Like I loveeeeee coming on Reddit and telling people to stop complaining
It’s my way of complaining!
Someone i know's father taught him not to use the turn signal so that people couldn't block him from merging. He's from Ohio.
It's not a DC problem.
I thought blinkers activate no clip mode?
Its because they dont make their minds up about where they are going until 1 second before they turn. If you asked them literally 1 second before the turn, they woud not know where they were actually going lol.
Not an opinion when it's the law, dipshit.
DC municipal regulation 2204.3:
"No person shall turn any vehicle to enter a private road or driveway, or otherwise turn a vehicle from a direct course or move right or left upon a roadway without giving an appropriate signal in the manner provided in this chapter if any other traffic may be affected by the movement."
Oh. lol you think you live in a reality where a law being a law means it’s followed haha That law in dc is as good as your opinion.
Never understood the point of these Reddit PSAs
PSAs are the way!
I use my turn signals always. Some people fucking suck at driving. I do not. I've never been in an accident though I only drive a couple of times a year.
This would be very helpful anytime I'm driving in the left lane only to realize that the person in front of me has decided to make an illegal left turn at the coming intersection.
Or anytime I'm in a bike lane and the car to my left is slowing down inexplicably
Thank you for your helpful PSA, OP. Car technology is changing so rapidly these days with all the fancy computers etc., so it's helpful to have an explainer for one of these great new safety features
Let them know how crosswalks work next
Should I crosspost this in r/BMW?
only if you also crosspost in r/altima
Oh absolutely, I'm in the Baltimore metro area now and there you will find the Clapped-Out Altima in its native territory.
This isn't /r/nova
You only put it on when your already over haha if you put it on before no one will let you over
quite the username
I put my blinker on if turning at an intersection. I used to put it on when changing lanes, but after having moved to DC I stopped doing it because the second someone sees you trying to change lanes, they speed up to not let you in. DMV drivers are real a-holes. And, it's not just the "DC drivers" - the MD and VA drivers are especially guilty because most of them are commuters just trying to aggressively blast their way through traffic as quickly as they possibly can.
I went from being a conscientious driver to "my blinker isn't asking your permission, it's doing you the courtesy of letting you know I intend to come over" to just stopping putting blinkers on outright when trying to change lanes because asshole drivers will speed up, close the space that you were trying to get into if they see you trying. It's all a product of the behavior of everyone else's asshole driving styles. I'll think about using my blinkers again when the rest of you stop trying to cut people off when they need to change lanes.
Ohio is a shitty place with shitty people. It’s not a surprise.
Source: I’m a Michigan fan who drives through Ohio all the time.
Yeah, you're part of the problem, bud. Don't delude yourself into thinking you're taking some kind of stance. You're just a selfish driver.
PSA for DC MD drivers
The psychology of driving is wild.
It really is. I have another friend who grew up in VA and one time I was driving her around and she goes "overnight toast you really use your turn signal a lot, huh?" And I stared at her and went "I use it so that cars know where I'm going." She paused and then went "oh yeah that makes sense. Maybe I should use mine more"
I’ve definitely laid on the horn in those situations. I doubt it does anything, as people who do that are probably too stupid to know they’ve done anything wrong.
Its really a PSA for all drivers in the USA.
I drove halfway across the county for the holidays and It seemed that about 60% of people no longer use turn signals, regardless of state.
Road rage and accident numbers are still way up from COVID, seems to have permanently broken some people
Passive aggressive driving tips? This isn't /r/nova.
You definitely don’t use your blinkers 😂 L comment, L driver
There are two kinds of drivers in MD, both equally bad:
The clapped-out Altima weaving in and out of traffic
The minivan/SUV in the left lane doing 10 under the speed limit and not moving over
By themselves these are bad, but put them together and you have a lethal combo
It's 1000 times worse in DC. Someone's dad isn't the law.
You've obviously only driven in the NE US
It's a representation of culture obviously. I learned how to drive IN DC and this was not the norm for me or anyone else I know who learned how to drive here, in the city.
Naw, the virgins drivers see the signal and speed up to keep you from getting over. Gotta Leo them guessing. And this is like, solely a behaviour done only by VA drivers.
I use my turn signal religiously and honestly people deliberately cutting me off for it is pretty rare. Better to be safer and a little inconvenienced than to be another unpredictable car on the road.
I've traveled a lot and lived several places, and this issue exists more here in DC than other places. It drives me bananas.
Thank you for the great instructions.
I'm from Wisconsin, and while I know Michigan is inferior to Wisconsin, it still has its positives. Ohio on the other hand is trash.
A yes, another traffic complaint on Reddit. What a fresh take.
Now that you mention it I swear every-time I flick that thing the car behind me is suddenly matching my speed
There's also the classic MD "I'm taking the right exit coming up, better get all the way in the left lane while causing maximum chaos so I can execute a 90° turn at the LAST POSSIBLE MOMENT ACROSS EVERY LANE OF TRAFFIC. With my lights off. At midnight."
You mean to tell me there are bad drivers EVERYWHERE? Damn, this sub had me thinking they were all in maryland.
Seriously this sub is so much low effort garbage with one occasional gem every few months. Cries out for moderation.
It's unreal here. I just moved from NYC and the drivers here are both aggressive and terrible. NY has a lot of aggressive drivers, but they generally know how traffic works. Not here.
Those people are the one time I feel justified cutting someone off. Granted, it’s probably not justified, but neither is speeding up only once the blinker goes on
I lose my voice every time I drive in DC from screaming at my windshield every five fucking seconds.
Seriously fuck off. I’m sick of the hate on DC drivers when we have these Marylanders plaguing our roads.
Don't you mean something keeps distracting you by moving across your field of vision?
*flees in bike lane
Before the pandemic, I used to work in downtown DC. As I was driving home one day, a BMW driver signalled so I let him get in my lane and then got held up at the light. And while waiting I got to look around the National Mall in the glow of twilight. I saw what was then the brand new Smithsonian Museum of African-American history and its magnificent architecture perfectly lit. I saw the Washington Monument, surrounded by American flags flapping in the wind. In the distance, I could see the full moon rise, bright, luminous, and beautiful.
It’s been six years, and I'm still amazed by what I saw. A BMW driver in DC using his turn signal?!
I am referring to ALL the people who drive in the district, not just those specifically with DC plates. Half the vehicles in the district have Maryland plates, so yes, Maryland drivers are a large fraction of the larger problem.
Just wait until op travels into Maryland
Lol When I moved here I was so sad to see that they hadn’t invented the turn signal here yet. They should bring in Americorps or something.
you can say fuck, its ok
Listen as a former wisconsiner, I agree that Wisconsin is objectively the best state. That’s beyond debate.
BUT it is also the only state where previous drunk driving convictions can’t be used as evidence against someone on trial for drunk driving and where the first drunk driving offense is a minor misdemeanor. Wisconsin can’t really bitch about drivers in Ohio
That's why you turn your blinker on and merge in one motion so they don't have time to close the gap.
I moved here from NYC. I saw a lot of really stupid driving there but atleast people would signal when making 3 point turns on the freeway.
I assure you that as a random stranger on the internet, I can bitch about exactly that.
How lazy are you if you can’t do that well before your turn so everyone else can move around you and easily keep going? Such a pet peeve.
Low effort garbage?? I’m trying my best.
You are supposed to start signaling well before you get to the intersection
Maryland: The Shelbyville of Lost Causes. The state signs at the border should read “Abandon All Hope Ye Who Enter.”
PSA for DC pedestrians: see that little light on the cross walk that has a person walking? Wait for that picture to show up if you are crossing the street. Some people make turns and expect pedestrians to follow the rules also.
Am from Ohio, can confirm. Why forsake the element of surprise?
So says you. You haven't been to my dad's house. Or his dad's house.
Lmao I hate it so idk why but this was so funny to me
Exactly. And, even if you are, why don't you go ahead and KMA and call it a love story.
You really think someone's random father gets to disobey the law just because? Wow... you sound like someone who's going to wind up in prison quickly.
Seems like you approach things a wee bit too literally. Not that there's necessarily anything wrong with that.
have fun living life on hard mode with all the negative consequences
I'm 43. When do "all the negative consequences" materialize for "hard mode" people that make a sarcastic or humorous comment?
And stop driving with your brights/high-beams on!
Tonight while in a roundabout, I put my blinker on in advance of my exit, had plenty of room to move over, but this crazed lady speeds up and goes around me - on the right, swerving into the street I was clearly signaling that I was turning on to, cutting me off, and then swerves back into the roundabout. She could have just driven like a normal human, waited like 2 seconds for me to exit, exactly like my blinker said I was going to, and I would have been completely out of her way, no need for crazy antics, cutting me off and going around me on the totally wrong side.
You definitely aren't driving the same DC roads that I do. I see people cutting others off ALL THE TIME. Especially the Uber drivers, many of whom also never use their blinkers.
It's no "stance." It's being assertive. I've been living and working in the DMV for almost 20 years, and have put a shit ton of miles on many cars on these streets - and in my experience, a blinker might get acknowledged by like 10% of the drivers in the DMV, tops. The remainder will either ignore you and not let you in, or intentionally speed up and cut you off. That's just a fact. And that's why drivers like me end up having to be very pro-active and not even giving them the chance to speed up and cut me off. My behavior is conditioned by the 90% of selfish drivers in the DMV. If you want to yell at someone for being selfish you can start with them, because I'm not interested in hearing it.
They come to a complete stop to make right hand turns off primary roadways. Who does that?
I propose MD drivers be given financial aid, to drive to their hearts content --
In TX.
ChubsBronco t1_j1zrsfz wrote
PSA for