
fergiethefocus t1_j218slw wrote

Reply to comment by NomDePlume007 in PSA for DC drivers by mikeydhakid

There are two kinds of drivers in MD, both equally bad:

  1. The clapped-out Altima weaving in and out of traffic

  2. The minivan/SUV in the left lane doing 10 under the speed limit and not moving over

By themselves these are bad, but put them together and you have a lethal combo


fergiethefocus t1_j1aaonm wrote

Can't go wrong with either of them. You do have to pay a HOA fee in Columbia Association parcels, but that gets you great walking/hiking trails. Not as familiar with EC so I'll let some else speak to the details.


fergiethefocus t1_izupbrr wrote

Can someone please explain to this regular person with a job and a life what Lakey Boyd did that was so bad? Nothing I've read presents any tangible allegations. My feeling is that it's just some board members with nothing better to do.