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swampoodler t1_j2fcjt8 wrote

Pedestrians do have the right away.

You’re in a dense environment. Suggestion: Unless you are physically unable to traverse without a vehicle, get out of your personal ride and walk or take public transit.

Personally, if I ever feel that a car is rushing me, I slow my walk to a stroll. This ain’t the suburbs.


CorporateProvocateur OP t1_j2fh3bo wrote

Peds always have the right of way. I want to be clear that's not at all my point here.

I am often a ped myself. I like the eye contact when I'm a ped too.

But I also do what you're describing and dynamically change my walk speed based on judgement of the speed of oncoming cars. What I'm noticing is people not do that and just walk into the intersection as if no car was present.
