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gator_fl t1_j2a6t0r wrote

True. But OP never mentioned price.

What I mean is that it's pretty much built for singles or couples w/o kids or maybe one kid. No rowhomes or SFH where you can have roommates, build equity until you can afford to have kids.

Speaking of price. I'm guessing that the price per sq ft is much higher there in all units. Met young professionals getting support from mom and dad to live in expensive units for great convenience, amenities, etc.

Also the, I love a raging party but not where I live (NIMBY ha ja).


celj1234 t1_j2a7o6f wrote

The downtown areas of most major cities aren’t built for people with kids unless you’re bringing in a big time paycheck. I don’t blame MVT developers not caring about families at all.

There are number of row homes on the other side of of NY Ave. Idk where the exact cut off of MVT is.

Agreed on the noise. Don’t move here is some weekend partying by neighbors bothers you.


gator_fl t1_j2ae3r4 wrote

Those rowhomes north of NY Ave are not MVT.

OP posted about what they liked and asked for feedback. So not really an urban design discussion.

But if you want to discuss that...DC Planning got played by the real estate developers who built up MVT. Most of them from influential property owners/developers over generations who got their way and built specifically for maximizing revenue. How? cough Campaign finance cough planting their former employees into MVT BID cough greasing government players, etc.

Almost all of the apts/condos were supposed to be built not just for singles or DINKs. But developers got their way to make most bang for their bucks (it is America, big businesses get their wish).

It is what it is. Though DC loves getting resident tax/etc. revenues, they know density challenges a city in the long run).

You're right about.knowing not to move to noisey areas. Leasing agents love to give tours during quiet times for a reason.

Not hating on MVT. But DC government knows mistakes were made and notice new massive developments are being buit differently...not just for short term profits and tax revenues.
