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t1_j0541qm wrote

My fraternity in college in Baltimore had the cheesesteak challenge for the pledges.

You have to bring $35 in cash and drive to Philly to get 1x Pat’s, 1x Geno’s, and 1x Tony Luke’s. If you can eat all three without throwing up you win.

Also you have to bring some cheesesteaks back for the bros.

However if you actually want good cheesesteaks, avoid pats and genos. And tony Luke’s is a chain. I just spent 5 weeks in Philly and the best one, hands down, is Angelo’s in south Philly. Pats and genos sucks. DelAssandros is barely even in Philly, and it’s not good. Ishkabibble is OK. the rest are all ok. Just get Angelo’s.


t1_j054djt wrote

This is John’s Roast Pork erasure and I simply will not stand for it, sir or madam.


t1_j07d1we wrote

Seconded. Rick's in the Reading Terminal Market is another good one, and there are other places scattered around town that blow Pat's and Geno's away. Of the touristy places Jim's on South Street (currently closed because of a fire that damaged it this past summer) is the best.

Also as a Philly native, I will say that while cheesesteaks are awesome, real Philadelphians know that the roast pork sandwich with sharp provolone and broccoli rabe might be even better. It's called "John's Roast Pork" and not "John's Cheesesteaks" for a reason.


t1_j07m79u wrote

Yeah, those are all good. The above guy mentioned ishkabibbles, and their chicken cheesesteak used to be made with fresh chicken as opposed to the frozen sheets most places use. No idea if that’s still true, but it was awesome back in the day.


t1_j054i77 wrote

The least accessible one in the city. Might as well be on the moon, brother. I only had the roast pork from there and it was bussin


t1_j07afs4 wrote

And they close earlier. It usually goes until they run out of rolls in the early afternoon.


t1_j055vr8 wrote

Tastes all the better for its absurd location, imo. I once drove and got there 10 mins before close and got the last rolls in the place. Felt like a miracle.


t1_j05isgl wrote

Delassandos isn't in Philly? Really. Somebody should tell them that. They've gotten " best in the city" numerous times over the years. Not good? You must be from Indiana, or something. Safe to say there's no accounting for taste. Especially yours.


t1_j06igwl wrote

Dude literally every single restaurant in that town has “Best ___ in the City” on their street facing window. Do you really believe that shit? This is you lmao.


t1_j07bz3z wrote

Ok DUDE! So you're wrong amd now you're a pissy little DUDE . Hilarious! Back to Indiana, DUDE.


t1_j059ga7 wrote

Dalessandro's is in Philly. But yeah not the best one, it's alright.


t1_j05balc wrote

Maybe by zip code but it’s nowhere near anything else in Philly


t1_j05hkbx wrote

It's on West Henry in yeah...that's in Philly. Pro tip: across the street is Chubby's, also good cheese steak.


t1_j06ju99 wrote

Closer to stuff like main st Manayunk or Germantown Ave, both Philly, than to center city or touristy stuff.


t1_j06k6aa wrote

Well yeah, and Staten Island is technically in NYC. I was in center city and south Philly and I walk/bike everywhere and even I found wissahickon/manayunk too far away for anything, let alone a sandwich.


t1_j06q1z0 wrote

All I said is it's in Philly. It's not like Dalessandro's is in Conshy (which somehow people living there claim is Philly). If you like to bike, I do too, you can put your bike on a bus or a train on the way to Manayunk or Wissahickon. There's a bus depot and train right there, it's even down hill.


t1_j06ws77 wrote

> DelAssandros isn’t even in Philly

Is this one of those "no true Scotsmen" things? Because Delassandro's is about a mile inside of Philadelphia city limits.


t1_j0f56s9 wrote

Having lived in the SF Bay Area for 24 yrs before moving out here almost 2 yrs ago, the only real cheesesteak I know is from this Bay Area chain.

They are hella good though, and they have chicken ones too that I'd affectionately refer to as a 'Chickencheese'. 😅

Many years ago, they also had the best burgers ever. The burger meat got too expensive so they discontinued them. They were so addictive though. 😭

I did have the occasional one at Charleys but that was in the mall food court and seemed more like an average sandwich versus real cheesesteak so I didn't count those. 😬🤷