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RNconsequential t1_j66tx8u wrote

Reply to comment by Skimster in Tyre Nichols protests by coldstonestan

You did notice how fast they fired and charged the black officers did ya’?


Fit-Negotiation-2917 t1_j693rse wrote

Lol pulling the race card. A victim mentality.

Maybe it also has to do with how they clearly beat the shit out of him on camera?


jofijk t1_j69nwvs wrote

A lot of people from Memphis have posted on the bigger threads that the chief of police is directly responsible for creating the special unit that the 5 cops were on and she’s firing/charging them as more of a political move than anything. The unit is called SCORPION and apparently has received lots of complaints from brown/black neighborhoods that they are aggressive and go out of their way to intimidate. If this was just caught on police body cam the footage would never have seen any publicity. A major part of why the public knows about this is that a security camera caught the full incident. In the security camera video you can see the moment they notice the camera and the demeanor of everyone completely changes


RNconsequential t1_j697p5b wrote

You are funny.

You are willfully ignoring SO MUCH OF LIFE i don’t know how you avoid crashing into people when you drive.


Fit-Negotiation-2917 t1_j69av2n wrote

Lolwut? Shit makes no sense bro lol


RNconsequential t1_j69d5le wrote

You are right. A lot of shit in the real world doesn’t make sense to you. You might want to stop while you are behind. Your stupid is showing out your ass.


Fit-Negotiation-2917 t1_j69hd0z wrote

Good one dude. Glad you are bringing my driving ability into a discussion about the the manslaughter of Tyre.

Your username checks out with regards to your logic and opinions.


RNconsequential t1_j69ma4o wrote

(it is not about your driving but how little you pay attention or understand. now that I have spoon fed you how much you just don’t get it, please stop i am embarrassed for you.)


Fit-Negotiation-2917 t1_j6a50ox wrote

Lol you can’t even spoon feed yourself dude. You can barely type a coherent sentence.


CatsWineLove t1_j68br9l wrote

That was my reaction as well. Interesting that white cop killers cases drag out & rarely end in convictions.


DCArmory1229 t1_j66zovc wrote

Black Cops are always convicted, they don’t get the same pass