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SomeLikeItRaw OP t1_j5lm32j wrote

I guess I have no idea how it's done currently but your suggestion makes a ton of sense provided booting is reasonably easy and heavy machinery free (maybe reserving for people with serial moving violations). Having to call someone else to do it is a recipe for futility and waste.


hooliganswoon t1_j5lmdbl wrote

If I remember correctly, last we heard they have two people, that’s it, who are on booting duty. It’s insanity.


lmboyer04 t1_j5mmyj5 wrote

If that’s true I saw them last weekend!


hooliganswoon t1_j5n944a wrote

I was wrong, there’s actually 4 for the whole city apparently. 100% more than I originally thought! Lmfao