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endadaroad t1_j9201ar wrote

Who is the International Seabed Authority and where did they get the right to grant mining and exploration rights in our oceans? Are they some bogus industry group or are they an actual government entity?


thegoatmenace t1_j921zlq wrote

It’s a treaty organization that was created under the UN convention on the law of the sea. It’s job is to regulate the use of the sea bed in accordance with the goals of the treaty: freedom of the seas and protection of the marine environment.


Haterbait_band t1_j92hsia wrote

In the same way, who decided whales get to hog certain frequencies of sound waves? Do they have their own FCC? Can I not play violin because birds might be confused by some of the sounds I make?


PR4Y t1_j9ag6eh wrote

Relevant username. I'll do my part to help combat the downvotes. I thought it was funny 🤷‍♂️