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chullyman t1_jacq41p wrote

Tell me which animal poison kills “for certain and very fast” once timely medical attention is administered.


Yum_Kaax t1_jads10l wrote

Lead. Although the delivery method is a strong factor.


chullyman t1_jae6laf wrote

I don’t believe this person was talking about naturally occurring toxic materials. I think they meant venoms, or poisons originating from animals. Either way I would agree lead can be deadly in high doses, but is much harder to poison someone with than Novichok. Not a very good tool for assassins.


ForgottenDreamshaper t1_jad7biy wrote

For example, one from small octopus. It is only possible to save someone if you give RIGHT treatment in time, but how do you know what is right?


chullyman t1_jae5qqi wrote

If you’re talking about the Blue Ringed octopus, then the treatment is to get put on a ventilator until the venom leaves your system. Symptoms are pretty noticeable, and respiratory depression is what kills you.

As long as you’re at a hospital in time, approx 30 min, they would start treating those symptoms regardless of knowledge of the source , taking the guesswork away.

Just to respond to your earlier statement. Novichok is very deadly, and does kill people most of the time. There is no cure, only treatment, and it does cause long term damage for many people who survive. If you’re wondering why the Russians use it, it’s because it’s easy to administer to someone, and it’s distinctly Russian, meaning they can use it as a political tool, to spread fear.