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odkevin t1_j9g7baw wrote

Watch out for open windows...


Ideon_ t1_j9g7mww wrote

so entertaining watching the Russian ship slowly sink.


Durumbuzafeju t1_j9g818b wrote

Dude, you became a rival center of power for Putin. A threat. Now you will be dealt with.


k2on0s-23 t1_j9g86li wrote

Lol, here comes the crazy train.


OldMork t1_j9g8sjm wrote

as a private army, why didnt they secure their own supply of ammo?



>The task of every Russian Blogger is to raise this issue as loudly and as frequently as possible..

Oh, this fucker's going all out!


saggiolus t1_j9g9kqi wrote

He is going to have an accident and fall off of a balcony soon


TheDarthSnarf t1_j9gg20r wrote

Half-expect that Prigozhin or Shoigu ends up being eliminated under mysterious circumstances before the Ides of March...


stepover7 t1_j9gjjjb wrote

>"This can be equated to high treason.
>"The chief of the general staff and the defence minister are giving orders right and left, not just not to give Wagner PMC (private military company) ammunition, but not to help it with air transport," Prigozhin alleged.


Truthseeker1018 t1_j9gjtax wrote

Maybe he should escalate further and attack the Russian army to get some ammo


chehov t1_j9gjzkk wrote

let the countdown to his demise begin


DeMalgamnated t1_j9gl6p8 wrote


putin's puny arms and small baby hands only have the strength to slightly push someone towards a window.

he thinks once they are close to a window they automatically throw themselves through it. because russian windows are dooors that have death on the other side.


Javelin-x t1_j9grd9l wrote

This is just the rantings of a forner employee


misconfigbackspace t1_j9gtzss wrote

OMG dude, this inspires many parallels between Putin and Palpatine. In the end, Palpatine dies in a nuclear reactor core. I hope life does not go on to imitate art. Also, wonder who Vader would be.

Defenestration must have been quite common in the USSR, which probably led to the window scene written by Lucas' writers.


ClownfishSoup t1_j9h5uo9 wrote

“Everyone nods toward the top and says: ‘You know, Yevgeny Viktorovich, you have a difficult relationship over there. You need to apologize and confess your faults, then your fighters will receive ammunition.’

I'm surprised the Wagner Boss doesn't just say "Well, OK, I guess we'll leave the battlefield then. I mean, without ammo or support, why are we here?" then GTFO.


Sparred4Life t1_j9h60pj wrote

Treason is the act of working against your country's government. The government cannot commit treason against mercenaries.


_zenith t1_j9ha2q7 wrote

They never really were a private army, they were just deniable military, AKA the War Crimes Department

… arguably this is really the main role for most private armies tbh


[deleted] t1_j9hp3ti wrote

>not completely crazy

He's probably not as crazy as Putin is behind closed doors, but anyone that can spew the type of ridiculous nonsense he does with a straight face is pretty crazy.


RobbieQuarantino t1_j9ifadh wrote

Wasn't this basically Putin's unofficial minister of propaganda via the internet research agency?


Full_Echo_3123 t1_j9n6l3o wrote

It's a shame that he fell to his death from the one story house, after rolling down his steps and into an unmarked Sprinter van before mysteriously being ejected as they were passing a tall cliff in the outskirts of Dead General's Bluffs.