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spoogekangaroo t1_ja5xecy wrote

Must be a day ending in "y." Russia is making limp-dicked threats again.


Connect_You_5837 t1_ja5xx4r wrote

No, it is not the delivery of arms to a defending people that leads to a nuclear catastrophe, but a criminal, unscrupulous regime without morals that would rather use its nuclear weapons before it perishes.


Fodder01 t1_ja5y23a wrote

The world says Russia invading Ukraine threatens global nuclear catastrophe


Easy_Cattle1621 t1_ja5yyxl wrote

Fuck Russia. Especially the cowards that are close to Putin.


LoreSurfer t1_ja5zmgj wrote

Keep em coming, less other countries are scared of them


ThatsNotMyDogma t1_ja5zxt5 wrote

And here I was thinking that was Russia's brazen invasion of a neighbouring sovereign state that was doing that.

I guess it depends on your point of view.

But I truly do think Russia should cut down on its Meds.


LA_search77 t1_ja601uy wrote

Russians in powerful places need to finally handle their shit.


silverjad3 t1_ja60lf6 wrote

We on this bullshit again huh? Listen, take your nukes, sit, and do a big ol' twirl.


macross1984 t1_ja60lk7 wrote

But Medvedev, you forget your country barged into independent country thinking you can make an easy killing.

And now you cry fowl because west is only helping defend Ukraine indirectly?

You know Putin fucked up and you will go down with the ship.


TON6I8 t1_ja60x9y wrote

Days are numbered, loser.


BoxedLunchable t1_ja6257w wrote

Russia threatens global nuclear catastrophe by literally threatening global nuclear catastrophe. At this point fuck it man. Call the bluff.


HDC3 t1_ja62os2 wrote

Medvedev could completely end the threat of nuclear catastrophe by eliminating Putin, withdrawing from every square inch of Ukraine, paying reparations, and keeping his military out of other countries.


plasticbots t1_ja63pn7 wrote

medvedev can choke on a fat nuclear dick


1seeker4it t1_ja63vya wrote

Keep the arms to Ukraine flowing long and wide with better range ✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅


DirtCallsMeGrandPa t1_ja64ply wrote

He does realize that ground zero for this global nuclear catastrophe will be Moscow, doesn't he?


Far_Out_6and_2 t1_ja68as8 wrote

Everyone knows he is a dick head with 1 remaining brain cell left


Eurobreeze t1_ja68heg wrote

Russians are all talk. They should concentrate on getting enough body bags from China.


Puzzleheaded-Job2235 t1_ja6ai4l wrote

If Medvedev said that Russia was starting WW3 tomorrow I could sleep soundly knowing full well that Russia wasn't gonna do jack shit.


Dry-Peach-6327 t1_ja6b6ed wrote

How, Ukraine gave up its nukes in exchange for protection. Have these russian losers not read a history book?


RealMe459 t1_ja6erlz wrote

I think it was the botched invasion that threatens global nuclear catastrophe...


DevoidHT t1_ja6f1zv wrote

I feel like we should just give Ukraine jets at this point. They’re obviously not going to nuke anyone. Let’s just end this war already.


coreywindom t1_ja6futr wrote

No… it’s Russia threatening a global nuclear catastrophe


leksoid t1_ja6id3m wrote

ruzzian strategy 101

  • invade neighboring country
  • if there is no fight back from this county, make up bullshit about liberation. And start slow genocide and eventually spread their "russian world" there
  • if the country defends itself, and civilized world support this country - make threats with nukes

reality is their air defence is shit, that in case of nuclear war, ruzzia will be annihilated, with their "historical West enemy" maybe suffering from some nukes hit targets, but very very very not likely, as the corruption that was cultivated by this imbecile putin resulted in everything falling apart


NotUrGenre t1_ja6jsme wrote

Push the button pussy! I for one am sick of you crying wolf.


pradbitt87 t1_ja6pn88 wrote

Oh my god, the Russian hierarchy is a broken record


ontheway420 t1_ja6pwij wrote

At least when Kim Jong threatens us it’s a little believable


Darth_Hamburger t1_ja6qhxo wrote

So Russia would rather destroy the world than lose in Ukraine. Got it.


OldMork t1_ja6rrce wrote

Dont russia have any real rich powerful families, with old not stolen money, who just want peace and a stable country? No russian kennedy, wanderbilt, rotchild?


monkeywithgun t1_ja6uin7 wrote

>Russias Medvedev says arms supplies to Kyiv threaten global nuclear catastrophe fails again


bgat79 t1_ja6wqyb wrote

I'm pretty sure Medvedev means Iranian Shahed drones. Don't worry we aren't nuking Ruzzia for that terrorism. Iran murders its own civilians, of course it would aid in killing Ukrainian civilians.


IronGoldReaper t1_ja6ykm9 wrote

I would love to see Russia turned into glass, because every country in the world is going to be pointing nukes at the soon to be waste land, if they ever decided to fuck around and find out. They are not the boogeymen of the cold war anymore. They are high school bullies itching for a bloody nose. So send it or stfu.


js49997 t1_ja74fbm wrote

No. Russia's illegal invasion of Ukraine "threatens global nuclear catastrophe". Order your troops home and they'll be no more war.


Tizzer3000 t1_ja756dq wrote

It has been called… tons of countries continue to keep providing aid to Ukraine in spite of these statements. Has been going on for months and I don’t see it stopping. Russia is trying everything they can to stop Ukraine from receiving aid because Russia can easily beat Ukraine in a war, what Russia can’t beat is Ukraine being supplied by every other major power on earth (nearly)


blueskydragonFX t1_ja76yxq wrote

Ah soon M.A.D. Medvedev opens his mouth the rads will go up.

Doesn't he ever talk about something else then nukes? He makes Kim Yong Un look like a nice guy.


BlerghTheBlergh t1_ja77hqe wrote

Isn’t he ever going to switch the tape? I’m sure he has other fun threats than this one


Radakail11 t1_ja78n7k wrote

Like honestly people talk about how bad it'll be but whatever country launches the first nuke and ends us all.... they really will be hunted down and tortured. Like everyone's dying of radiation anyways. Might as well punish whoever started the crap.


qaktqtrL t1_ja78x45 wrote

This “nuclear threat” is over saturated. Who gives a fuck anymore.


hamiwin t1_ja7asa9 wrote

So he never stops barking to satisfy his master.


oripash t1_ja7bk3o wrote

Write the headline right.

Russias Medvedev threatens global nuclear catastrophe.

Kyiv has nothing to do with it.


Big_Dinner3636 t1_ja7f33k wrote

Calling the cops on your neighbor for abusing his wife might result in him blowing up their own house out of spite.


Sarchiapon t1_ja7g2ec wrote

I like that he says that without adding who could actually cause this nuclear catastrophe.


glaucope t1_ja7gzfw wrote

Poor Mad-vedev no one believes him anymore... always threatening like a looser.


Domva t1_ja7hpcu wrote

He's a blatant psyop tool.


Wild_Revolution9999 t1_ja7p2qu wrote

Medvedev talks a lot lately and its always in same template "Medvedev says X because of Y and threatens nuclear war"


Arcadius274 t1_ja7y0fe wrote

Is someone interviewing this man everyday? Are these tweets? Is he just in a room yelling NUUUUUUKKKKKKEEEEESSS!? Is someone just making it up? Answers people answers instead if just generic this person "warns" this that oe the other its old already do better.


Wade8869 t1_ja803zm wrote

Funny, these idiots are the only ones ever talking about nukes.


PerspectiveCloud t1_ja8579l wrote

I like the think that internal governments will fall REALLY quickly in a nuclear disaster. The leaders of that new world (if possible) will be the ones looking to survive. Nobody will want to listen to someone who is hell bent on violence. I can’t even imagine people following a US president after a nuclear war unless their first priority was stability


W_Anderson t1_ja88313 wrote


The Russian invasion of the free and independent nation of Ukraine is what threatens global nuclear security.

Get you facts right Russian K-Fed.


Armand74 t1_ja8bbkc wrote

Medvedev continues to muse on this factor without addressing what exactly would happen to Russia as a state and people if they ever unleash nuclear weapons on their neighbors and beyond. Russia or at least the people in power seems to not truly fathom what will happen which will be regime ending to say the least.


Aggressive-Cut5836 t1_ja8royz wrote

I don’t even think Putin wants this idiot anywhere in the succession queue for next leader of Russia


buckeye111 t1_ja8tyvy wrote

After the nuclear war, the world will not look back and blame the people helping Ukraine defend itself. They will 100% blame Russia for starting this war completely unprovoked.


jbot14 t1_ja8vhlr wrote

Why is that? Did NATO send any nukes to Ukraine to help her defend herself? If Ukraine had nukes, I doubt Russia would be on their soil.


xaveria t1_ja8x999 wrote

Another installment in “I don’t get that they don’t get this” from me:

My problem is not that these threats are empty. My problem is that they are fundamentally self-defeating.

Russia has always had a nuclear doctrine that they will use nukes if they are directly attacked. We know it, they know we know it. That’s why they know as well as we do that ain’t nobody attacking Russia.

The US and NATO have a nuclear containment doctrine that more or less goes, “do not negotiate with anyone who threatened nuclear strikes, because if you do, everyone will try it on.” The Russians KNOW this. We have the Kim family to thank for that policy.

This kind of pronouncement is guaranteeing that NATO will stay in the war until the end. Why do they keep doing it? They cannot possibly be this stupid. I swear to God, every time they mention nuclear weapons, there’s a “six months before we can sit down and talk to the Kremlin” calendar that in Brussels that reset to zero.


Direct_Ad6699 t1_ja91i3i wrote

Another day another nuke threat. Gets to the point where who cares anymore. I’m game. Better than the same scare tactics everyday. Society needs a reset anyway.


Left_Connection_5832 t1_ja9ch2z wrote

The interesting part is Medvedev translates to “bear”. Russia is known as a bear.


jpkmets t1_ja9d6hu wrote

Off his Medvedevs, again.


Dseltzer1212 t1_ja9e7zy wrote

Then go the fuck back to Russia. You’re the aggressor. The war is being waged in the Ukraine, stop with the fascist bullshit. Russia invaded the Ukraine.


[deleted] t1_ja9gf1q wrote

I am going to be so happy to see this fucking asshole in the dock at the Hague. Right next to that murderous little dwarf Putin.


MrBeneficialBad9321 t1_ja9hjis wrote

No. Not doing it does...

Go ahead. Push that read button and kill everyone. I dare you.


Blrfl t1_ja9igu8 wrote

> Our enemies are doing just that, not wanting to understand that their goals will certainly lead to a total fiasco.

Out of context, but that's pretty much what's happening.


oo7_and_a_quarter t1_ja9ttp8 wrote

If I can’t have the world my way, then nobody can have the world.

… pouts and stomps feet out of the room.



Citizen-Kang t1_ja9tz85 wrote

Is there anything, anything at all, that Russia disagrees with that doesn't risk a rain of nukes? I bet if Putin's toast is slightly burnt tomorrow, we're risking nuclear catastrophe. Lukewarm bath water? Nuclear catastrophe. Stubbed toe walking past the couch? Nuclear catastrophe. Dog is rubbing its ass on the throw rug? Nuclear catastrophe. Seriously, it's time for a new empty threat, Putin. Before anyone says it's Medvedev saying it...we all know who pulls the strings in the Kremlin, so let's not pretend we don't.