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TheLonelyGoomba t1_iyaw2oi wrote

Feels higher than that honestly. Just based on your usual shopping costs compared to say, last year.


joe-seppy t1_iyaz7qe wrote

US would probably be close to that if they didn't cherry-pick the items.


kenbewdy8000 t1_iyb35ci wrote

Here is my unemployment/ inflation tip.

Give up coffee and booze.. Buy bulk dried lentils, beans and rice and base much of your cooking around these three items. Tinned tuna or sardines occasionally for animal protein and citrus for vitamin C. Porridge for breakfast. Buy enough of these in bulk up front and spend money on other ingredients to improve the meal as you need to.


aditya58s t1_iyb67w1 wrote

UK food price inflation hit a new high of 12.4% in September, according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
The rise in the Consumer Prices Index (CPI) was driven by increases in the prices of meat, bread, cereals and vegetables, the ONS said.
It means the cost of a typical basket of food has risen by £15.80 in the past year.
The government has blamed the rise in food prices on the global financial crisis.
The government has also blamed the rise in food prices on the global financial crisis.
The cost of meat has risen by 20% in the past year, while the price of bread and cereals has gone up by 15%.
The price of vegetables has risen by 10%.
The ONS said the rise in food prices was the biggest since it started measuring inflation in 1997.
The government has blamed the rise in food prices on the global financial crisis.
The cost of living is now rising at its fastest rate since 1991, when inflation hit 5.3%.
The government has blamed the rise in food prices on the global financial crisis.
The cost of living is now rising at its fastest rate since 1991, when inflation hit 5.3%.


CrieDeCoeur t1_iyb6qgv wrote

These indexed inflation numbers are such bullshit. Sure they might be correct for the equation used, but they completely whitewash how essential items bought frequently like milk, bread, eggs, etc. are up 40-50% in many countries. Or worse.


Veginite t1_iyc2280 wrote

You gotta pump those up, those are rookie numbers. Here in Sweden, most food is up by 20-150%. Examples?

Eggs you could usually find for 2 - 2.5 SEK/piece. They're now 3.5 - 4 SEK/piece.

Cheaper pasta/spaghetti was around 14 - 16 SEK/kg, it's now up to 19 - 25 SEK/kg.

Regular crappy household cheese you could find for 40-50 SEK/kg, it's now 129 SEK/kg.

It's fun times.


BTWImChloe t1_iyc5zo0 wrote

Any moment the Brexit benefits will kick in and save us… right guys?


HexDumped t1_iyc7twg wrote

Sure but isn't this meant to be a measure of the increase in cost of living, not how much someone spends once they've run out of money? Seems to be artificially suppressing the measurement.

As an exaggerated example, if prices went up 5x and the result is people starve and make do with minimal food, then it's disingenuous to only show a small increase.


look4jesper t1_iyc7xzr wrote

No? Cheap pasta is 40SEK for 3kg, 14SEK for 1 kg package. Regular cottage cheese is 60kr/kg (discounted to 47 at the moment) and eggs are 2.5-3 SEK/piece. Idk what extreme luxury stores you are shopping at, but all of this can be ordered at willlys online shopping right this moment for home delivery. It's not even close to as bad as you are pretending that it is.


Veginite t1_iyc9exp wrote

You tell me where you're shopping lol.

Willys are charging 89,90 SEK/kg for Arla's household cheese atm, discounted from 107 SEK/kg ordinary price link. ICA charges 129 SEK/kg link.

2 kg Kungsörnen spaghetti on ICA is 39,95, used to be around 29 SEK. Barilla's is not too far from it. Willys is very slightly cheaper. The more expensive pasta like tagliatelle and farfalle is what I meant by more expensive.

You can find eggs that cheap if you buy colossal packs but I don't eat that many eggs myself. The colossal packs used to be even cheaper, mind you. If you settle for cartons of 6-8 you will have to pay 3-4 SEK/egg, even at Willys.

Another example is Charkuterifabrikens smoked ham/turkey. Used to be an extremely affordable alternative to wasting money on sliced cheese/ham, at 39 - 49 SEK/kg. I used to have it on my toasts. ICA has stopped selling it and this is where it is at now at Willys: link


yubnubster t1_iycbzr6 wrote

No there are no tangible Brexit benefits that anyone but ardent brexiteers can perceive. Having said that .. High inflation is not unique to the UK, unless you’ve been ignoring the news regarding every other western economy.


RMS7246 t1_iycg6x4 wrote

bruh - they should just join back the EU lmfao


redshirt3 t1_iycircz wrote

The prices are alarmingly higher, and what's annoying is in alot of the Express Tesco branches for example which already charges higher prices because they're meant to be 'convenient' etc (often though it's the only places for ages around) they are clearly maintaining their previous margins and passing the cost to consumers 100%, even in poorer areas.

I live I'm an area of London that's mostly low income but because a developer built expensive modern flats there the Tesco raises it's prices there instantly now this.

Fuck you Tesco I'm cycling to lidl.


mastershake04 t1_iycxgpb wrote

I've seen studies saying things either way but from personal experience it has always been weird to me that friends will literally not be themselves until they have their coffee and they are completely addicted to it and their entire morning revolves around it. If it was booze or weed or something people would say they have a problem.

But this drug is normalized in society so you'll see a line of 40 grumpy, twitchy people in the morning waiting for their fix and people dont bat an eye. A lot of people who drink coffee drink wayyy too much for it to be healthy as well.