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autotldr t1_ixp8zd2 wrote

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 70%. (I'm a bot)

> According to him "The German current government is extremely restrictive when it comes to selling armament or arms technology to a third country. However that has changed a bit, because since the war of aggression in Ukraine by the Russian Federation, we have started rethinking completely. And that includes to a certain extent, also our exports to friendly countries, and therefore, I would say in the coming months, we will have an assessment of defense relations with many countries. And that includes India. And that means that we might be much more forthcoming with exports."

> For the first time countries including Germany, Japan and the Republic of Korea participated.

> Under the leadership of Chancellor Olaf Scholz the European nation has already started working towards expanding its partnership with countries including Japan, New Zealand, Australia and South Korea.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: country^#1 Germany^#2 includes^#3 year^#4 more^#5


autotldr t1_ixp8zqh wrote

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 70%. (I'm a bot)

> According to him "The German current government is extremely restrictive when it comes to selling armament or arms technology to a third country. However that has changed a bit, because since the war of aggression in Ukraine by the Russian Federation, we have started rethinking completely. And that includes to a certain extent, also our exports to friendly countries, and therefore, I would say in the coming months, we will have an assessment of defense relations with many countries. And that includes India. And that means that we might be much more forthcoming with exports."

> For the first time countries including Germany, Japan and the Republic of Korea participated.

> Under the leadership of Chancellor Olaf Scholz the European nation has already started working towards expanding its partnership with countries including Japan, New Zealand, Australia and South Korea.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: country^#1 Germany^#2 includes^#3 year^#4 more^#5


[deleted] t1_ixpdqw2 wrote

Fun fact: India has never invaded another country.


throawayacc1984 t1_ixpfugg wrote

1)India intervened in Bangladesh on the request of the Mukti bahini to stop the ongoing genocide, and that too only after west pakistan attacked India first, so it's not an invasion.

2)Indian intervention in Sri Lanka also only happened after the sri lankan government asked india to intervene, so again not an invasion.


godmadetexas t1_ixpg9gg wrote

Define “invaded”. They have done expeditionary actions in the Maldives, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. None of them were long-lasting invasions, but two of them resulted in regime changes - albeit popular ones.


ummagummabubba t1_ixpggr3 wrote

Why are they including India? We don’t need them


International-Fall49 t1_ixphi46 wrote

We liberated bangladesh when they were being buttfucked by pakis and ur beloved USA under Nixon and Kissinger was supporting that genocide .

Indian armed forces were in Dhaka when pakis surrendered . We have given their freedom how many other countries wud have done that


International-Fall49 t1_ixpkdrd wrote

Being a part of the west may be an African pipe dream dipshit certainly not an indian one

Iam perfectly alright with my proficiency in English it's a lil hard to to keep up when u speak 4 languages excluding indian ones.

But hey, u keep brushing up those English skills honey Otherwise how will u become a part of the 'We'.

Its a shame isn't it ?u make fun of me for being an indian ,iam not ashamed of that .

But u wudnt even tell me where in North Africa ur from I guess deep down even u know the tables wud turn around when u tell me .

'Poor and underdeveloped' tell me where in Africa and lets compare champ .


ummagummabubba t1_ixpl2o4 wrote

Lol my country is already higher than India in GDP per capita and HDI. You can cope all you want but the fact is even with 1.5 billion people you’re an inept nation. And good on you for speaking 4 languages. So you can hear the world laugh at you 4x


Five__Stars t1_ixpuq7a wrote

You can think whatever you want about it and that's your right but it was internationally recognised as Portugese territory and therefore from a technical standpoint it was an invasion. I'm not making any pretense on the righteousness of that move.


cencorshipisbad t1_ixqemgu wrote

I got to get a wall chart. Russia is allies with India. France and Germany support Ukraine who is at war with Russia. meh..

Its getting like looking at the alliance system pre WW1. It’s sprawling, makes no sense..


aew360 t1_ixqqthn wrote

Nah it’s not that complicated. Türkiye is extremely complex but India is much less so. They like cheap energy so they’re friendly with Russia. Russia also supported them with UN vetoes since the West sided with Pakistan. Nowadays the West is much more friendly with India. I can’t imagine how the West can easily operate without India. Their main reason for doing this is to ward off any possible Chinese threats.


Exotic_Conclusion_21 t1_ixr71u0 wrote

Quit down voting me for 0 reason. Portugal owned Goa, making it Portuguese land which was in fact a sovereign nation. Hyderabad was an independent princely state for aprox a year before India took it. Both were not owned by India, but India invaded both and conquered both. Also, imo the intervention in Sri Lanka as well as east pakistan(bangladesh) were both invasions as well.


Reselects420 t1_ixrq867 wrote

This is nothing to do with Russia though?

>“We will have the three nations to do military cooperation and maneuver in the Indo Pacific in the years to come. So you will see more of Germany in this region, because our government policy sees this as an area of an area of tension. This is because of the self confident China, which concerns us and should worry us, and because of the Indo Pacific, Germany will be present more around this region,” he adds


throawayacc1984 t1_ixrt93b wrote


Intervention to stop a genocide that too only after west pakistan attacked India first.




Emancipation of a colony after Portugal refused to grant freedom.


Dude Pakistan is the one who's started every single one of the wars! Even neutral sources agree on this.


Pakistan invaded kashmir first, and the Indian military only entered kashmir after the king signed the instrument of accession, thus legally making kashmir a state in the Indian union.


Is that supposed to be a joke? China is the one who invaded Tibet in the first place! They were the ones who then invaded and captured parts of the state of Arunachal pradesh, claiming it as a part of South Tibet.


Reselects420 t1_ixsdwri wrote

I still don’t really see how that relates to your comment.

>not sure what India’s interest are in fighting Russia anyway.

No nation has an interest in fighting Russia.


Reselects420 t1_ixu79av wrote

There’s two threats: China and Russia. Europe and US are part of NATO, so Russia isn’t really a threat per se. But China is actually a threat, with its huge economy and military. India is nowhere near Europe. This whole military exercise will be to better prepare for China, not Russia. The Indo-Pacific region. So I still don’t understand your point with “It is not in India’s interest to fight Russia”.


Reselects420 t1_ixu8goa wrote

I just don’t think that the quote implies they’re looking at Russia only. To me, it says “we got a wake up call with that Russian invasion, so now we’re going to look at our defence relations.” And it doesn’t make sense to talk about expanding relations in the Indo-Pacific and the threat that China poses, if it was just about defending against Russia. Oh well


Reselects420 t1_ixu8xzd wrote

Yeah I don’t think India holding joint military exercises with Germany and France in the Indo-pacific region has anything to do with Russia. But I guess we can just disagree