
1ll1l1ll1l1l1l1l1ll1 t1_jduz90q wrote

GE opened Good Cents to compete with Bottom Dollar, then Aldi bought out Bottom Dollar. As Aldi closed many of the Bottom Dollar stores (many with no intention of reopening them as Aldi branded stores), GE closed their Good Cents stores.

Aldi sucks as much as any other corporation.


1ll1l1ll1l1l1l1l1ll1 t1_j0kxhgy wrote

Yes. There are tons of hidden and not so hidden costs to living here. See the other thread asking why their natural gas bill is $200 and half the responders saying "that's not so bad." Or the countless threads about new homeowners getting ass blasted in property taxes when their houses are reassessed. Or the lack of real grocer competition driving up food prices. Or the high gasoline taxes. Or the water and air quality potentially causing money draining health issues.

But yeah, house prices.