
95castles t1_j9642ts wrote

Here in Arizona, Cox is FINALLY getting real competition and you can tell with all their attack ads now. Tmobile and Verizon have Cox spooked. I called to complain about the costs compared to the other services, they immediately increased my speeds while keeping my bill the same as before.


95castles t1_j2duoe2 wrote

Yeah they’re specifically draining one of Arizona’s aquifers. The water levels are low enough now that all the small farmers in the area can’t access the water because their wells aren’t deep enough. The slight good news is that the aquifer they’re draining is generally not used by civilians. But that’s water that we will probably need in the future.

(Bigger picture, 70+% of AZ’s water usage is by the agriculture industry as a whole, it provides less than 5% of AZ’s GDP now. Therefore, I am against a majority of crops being grown in Arizona at a large scale.)