
AbeLincoln30 t1_ja6b7vi wrote

It's counterintuitive, but a hearty walk can help... like long enough and brisk enough to where you get your heartbeat up for like 20-30 minutes.

I had my neck go out dozens of times over a period of several years, and took me longer than it should have to realize that staying home and staying immobile made the injury linger... whereas some light physical activity helped the pain go away quicker.

To prevent in the future, pay attention to your posture... particularly when using cell phone and laptop. At moments when you realize you're in an awkward position, make the effort to change to a better position. Once i started doing this, I stopped getting neck pain.


AbeLincoln30 t1_ja0h8kk wrote

I always felt it was >!way too over the top to actually shoot her. Uncle Jack had got his point across already, just by showing Jesse he could do it. Shooting her in plain view introduced the risk of being witnessed. Plus keeping her alive would keep her as leverage against Jesse. I know they threatened to kill Brock next but who knows where Brock would end up.!<


AbeLincoln30 t1_j3stq9m wrote

Reply to comment by Rounder057 in [image] by _Cautious_Memory

Sorry but I hate this slogan. Like the other commenter said, bullies are bullies on their own... not because the victim somehow taught them to act like that.

And it's not the victim's responsibility to teach a bully to stop being a bully, either.

Usually the only solution to a toxic person is to get the f away from them


AbeLincoln30 t1_j3phvc1 wrote

Yeah the dads hade acumen, of course. But the dads are long dead. Now the sons are owners, and they're predictably terrible.

But I agree with you, Cards situation is one of the worst because of the multiple generations


AbeLincoln30 t1_j3p63zr wrote

Nah man... Mark Davis of the Raiders, Dean Spanos of the Chargers, Jim Irsay of the Colts all inherited everything they have from their fathers. Literally zero independent achievements in business. And their teams are all consistently garbage since they have established themselves as the leaders.

Fords who run the Lions inherited what they got from their freakin' great-grandfather... even worse. And there are plenty of other examples.

Meanwhile they are going up against dudes who personally made billions like Robert Kraft, Jeffrey Lurie and Stan Kroenke.


AbeLincoln30 t1_j3ooqaw wrote

&gt;The only current NFL owners to not have made riches outside of football

wait what? if you don't count inheritance as making riches, there is a long list... and unsurprisingly the list is loaded with losers. Lions, Raiders, Chargers, Colts for example

These teams are all doomed because they are competing against organizations run by guys who actually know how to run organizations