
ActionJawnson t1_j9gfu6m wrote

Until all that is actually safe for people, I would rather see parking for everyone. I know why I'm getting downvoted and I really don't care. As someone that does actually walk home from the convention center late at night amd has almost been assaulted ( I carry tools and defended myself immediately) , I realize some people feel safer driving. Better public transit and safe bike lanes sound great, but I don't see it ever happening.


ActionJawnson t1_j9g9d9k wrote

I hate how this article is written. Center City needs more parking to keep the existing lots all reasonably priced. It may be near public transportation and easily walkable, but there are many employees of area businesses that need affordable parking close by that, for whatever reason, don't use public transportation.

Holy shit people, I just want to keep the lots we have. Stop reading into my lost as I want to build more parking lots. Yall need a hobby or something

Edited to include last paragraph


ActionJawnson t1_j8g7n0n wrote

There's been a few with similar patterns. By the liberty bell, where the victim got tasted and over by 13 and Morris, where the attackers hung around and laughed at the victim while people tried to help him up. I think there was another more recently, as well.