
AdonisGaming93 t1_j77jk61 wrote

Well that's a separate issue same as "nice guy" syndrome where people are nice only because they want something not because they genuinely care.

I'm talking about those who are always up for helping others and end up having people pile on their toxicity on us, and we kinda just keep helping cause thats what we do. To the point where you end up getting abused and used and you don't know how to stand up for yourself and cut people off because it makes you feel like a bad person.

I can't speak for everyone but in my case I've had people abuse the fact that I'm always there for others and want to help any way I can. It's lead to some friendships turning into them using me for their own issues, and romantic relationships into me being abused and cheated on etc.

What you are describing is also an issue, but idk if that's what I'm talking about. I mean more people who are actually too nice and caring that they want to help the world and don't realize that one person can't, and don't know how to protect themselves when others take advantage.


AdonisGaming93 t1_j7507e4 wrote

The goodness is what leaves me getting abused and used by others. I hate that I'm an empath. Wish I could just be an asshole that doesn't care about others so that I might actually be the winner for once. But that isn't me, I'm not like that so I just have to keep going.


AdonisGaming93 t1_j7501f8 wrote

The goodness is what leaves me getting abused and used by others. I hate that I'm an empath. Wish I could just be an asshole that doesn't care about others so that I might actually be the winner for once. But that isn't me, I'm not like that so I just have to keep going.