
Al_Jazzera t1_j70fqdf wrote

Approx $250,000 for a water tender. At least $500,000 for a pumper truck. To steal such an expensive and important piece of machinery all to wreck it a block down the road in an ice storm no less. Fortunately the thing didn't sustain serious damage, unfortunately the idiot who caused the mess ran away before anyone could catch them.


Al_Jazzera t1_j2befww wrote

Chavez torpedoed the petroleum industry by firing a shit-ton of execs and engineers and putting in party loyalists. The result of this act of wisdom was output went into a death spiral. Yep, the main advantage the country had and they couldn't even get it out of the fricking ground. The ensuing economic crash had the citizens averaging 20 to 30 pounds lighter and no stray population, if you're hungry enough the neighbors cat can make a fine dinner.

You get to vote for socialism once.


Al_Jazzera t1_j1knnb9 wrote

The powers that be would never allow it, but a national sales tax would be the fairest method of taxation. Republican/democrat, rich/poor, race a/race b, etc. Nobody should be able to weasel out of it, and the taxes shouldn't take more than they absolutely need to. I don't think we need 80,000 more tax agents. That's like more of the pork barrel crap we the United States citizens are on the hook for.


Al_Jazzera t1_j1iif4f wrote

Kinda funny how urgent we need an army of new tax agents when we just passed an omnibus bill to the tune of 1.7 trillion dollars, of which was 4000 pages long, has all kinds of stupid pet project earmarks, and was passed a little before midnight a few days before Chrismas. Looks like the outflow doesn't match the income so we need more money to pay for all the wonderful bullshit that was forced down our throats.

They delay the rules because it will disrupt peoples lives and makes people upset, but they want that sweet, sweet money and they will get it eventually. It's an addiction, another sip off the bottle, and after they blow through that like it was a wet paper bag they will look for more money to incinerate. Hey, just put it on the credit card, it'll be someone else's problem.


Al_Jazzera t1_j0rnbcn wrote

We’ll see if we turned a profit when we buy back the oil that we used. Selling it made an impact, but not a significant one. We drew down in:

  • 1991 During the Gulf War

  • 2011 Supply disruptions in Libya and other countries.

  • 2005 In response to Hurricane Katrina

We are drawing down now because the economy is not on fire. It’s not going to be amazing all the time, but it’s not like we’re going into the Great Depression.Does it constitute an emergency? Like a critical one? Petroleum prices are high because a madman is trying to reinstate the Soviet Union and doing a pretty shit job of it, thankfully. Would the idiot use nukes? Wouldn’t even have to. Shit popping off in another territory triggering Article 5 sending oil prices into the stratosphere. Might be nice to have another 30 day supply of a critical-ass commodity. It didn’t happen, but if it dropped petroleum 15% and we racked in 15%, would it make sense to sell that commodity under the current conditions. It’s like selling a fairly new tire for a fairly worn tire and being excited that you could order some Taco Bell.


Al_Jazzera t1_j0k13ee wrote

We shouldn't have to replenish the strategic reserves. In the current era of oil instability, it might be a good idea to have that bad boy topped off. Why we went and burned off a nice chunk of it is as baffling as it is infuriating. Why are we buying stuff we already had?
