AlienVisionary t1_j8002xj wrote
Reply to First iteration a couple hours after being pressed - Will be working on sourcing better quality shirts. This is a size medium - what do you think? by ColorfullyHumble stole this art/map from someone else...what a shame...get a life!
But...I've got an original idea for you. Make a shirt (for yourself) that says "I <3 Stealing Art"
AlienVisionary t1_j5abn3l wrote
Reply to comment by fastAFguy in There is a Jersey City Bagel in Madrid, Spain! by Historical_Times_29
I know right... but the bbq ribs one got me thinking... and opens the flood gates for crazy combos. Although maybe the ribs can be considered Texas..but imagine like fried chicken waffle bagels... macaroni and cheese bagels...thanksgiving dinner bagel...heck might as well have sushi bagels and anything that might not make sense at first
AlienVisionary t1_j5a38gg wrote
Reply to comment by AlienVisionary in There is a Jersey City Bagel in Madrid, Spain! by Historical_Times_29
On a side note I've never heard of bbq ribs bagel..... although one eyebrow did raise up slowly...
AlienVisionary t1_j5a2ypn wrote
Sounds good... making me drool... now I've got to go to wonder bagels to get one
AlienVisionary OP t1_j53gmoo wrote
Reply to comment by mooseLimbsCatLicks in One of my favorite ladies in Jersey City ❤ by AlienVisionary
Thank you for the kind words, and the Flair ❤
AlienVisionary OP t1_j53g8au wrote
Reply to comment by SocietyChill in One of my favorite ladies in Jersey City ❤ by AlienVisionary
Thank you ❤ I'm obsessed with, and used to shading with pencil only. This the first time trying different markers, it's a lot less messy 😮
AlienVisionary OP t1_j518r07 wrote
Reply to comment by Yr9012 in One of my favorite ladies in Jersey City ❤ by AlienVisionary
You got it...but maybe it's not so obvious, I'm trying my hand with markers for the first time today <3
AlienVisionary t1_j515wp7 wrote
Reply to comment by derformative in Anyone horrible at playing an instrument and wanna play together? by derformative
"I suck at all instruments" is a good band name
AlienVisionary OP t1_j515gnf wrote
Can't say favorite because my Girlfriend is my favorite...and my mom moved out of JC a couple of years ago XD
Submitted by AlienVisionary t3_10g877v in jerseycity
AlienVisionary OP t1_j4n6a72 wrote
Reply to comment by cliffemu in Did you know you can see the Statue of Liberty at the end of Warren Street by AlienVisionary
Oh...I didn't realize that!
AlienVisionary OP t1_j4n63ay wrote
Reply to comment by Jimmoe in Did you know you can see the Statue of Liberty at the end of Warren Street by AlienVisionary
Yes exactly, and I wanted to mention's just like when the moon is close to a building, and it looks like you can reach out and touch it
AlienVisionary OP t1_j4ljitp wrote
Reply to comment by superpuzzlekiller in This person, parking in the middle of the street....sigh by AlienVisionary
I felt the same... happy cake day ❤
AlienVisionary OP t1_j4lje3g wrote
Reply to comment by bodhipooh in This person, parking in the middle of the street....sigh by AlienVisionary
I see that all of the time... but especially in the morning with schools dropoffs... there's a spot to pull over, but instead they stop dead in the middle of the street blocking traffic, usually with a line of cars waiting behind us...
AlienVisionary OP t1_j4l8tdd wrote
Reply to Did you know you can see the Statue of Liberty at the end of Warren Street by AlienVisionary
Apologies if this is well known or has been posted, but it's really cool to see. I found out when I lived close by, about 15 years ago. Everytime someone out of town visits this area, I try to show them this. The statue looks way bigger in real life ❤
Submitted by AlienVisionary t3_10dgatb in jerseycity
AlienVisionary OP t1_j4l70cz wrote
It would be a grand shame if an emergency vehicle or public service couldn't get through :/
AlienVisionary OP t1_j4l6i50 wrote
Reply to comment by The_Nomadic_Nerd in This person, parking in the middle of the street....sigh by AlienVisionary
Its been there since 5pm yesterday (Sunday) :/
AlienVisionary OP t1_j4l67xk wrote
Reply to comment by Jahooodie in This person, parking in the middle of the street....sigh by AlienVisionary
Or the car shut down perfectly there? Was trying to give them the benefit of all doubts
Submitted by AlienVisionary t3_10dffqm in jerseycity
AlienVisionary t1_j4l0wgj wrote
I suck at all instruments! I always wanted to learn either piano or drums....either way I respect that you reached out to people. Oh yeah.... I was taught recorder (that cheap flute-ish instrument) in elementary school, but I don't like how that sounds at all .... and doubt anyone wants to hear that XD wishing you good luck and let me know if you need someone to bang on pots and pans maybe we can make a horrible album together <3
AlienVisionary OP t1_j2en799 wrote
Reply to comment by Brudesandwich in Fog in Hamilton Park, HNY JC <3 by AlienVisionary
Eerie is only 1 block away XD <3
AlienVisionary OP t1_j2ekqy9 wrote
Reply to Fog in Hamilton Park, HNY JC <3 by AlienVisionary
Definitely looks a lot cooler in person 😆
Submitted by AlienVisionary t3_zzzwlc in jerseycity
AlienVisionary t1_j8020on wrote
Reply to comment by AlienVisionary in First iteration a couple hours after being pressed - Will be working on sourcing better quality shirts. This is a size medium - what do you think? by ColorfullyHumble
I guess it's a bot...this is literally the same picture & post wording