
AlienVisionary t1_j5abn3l wrote

I know right... but the bbq ribs one got me thinking... and opens the flood gates for crazy combos. Although maybe the ribs can be considered Texas..but imagine like fried chicken waffle bagels... macaroni and cheese bagels...thanksgiving dinner bagel...heck might as well have sushi bagels and anything that might not make sense at first


AlienVisionary t1_j4l0wgj wrote

I suck at all instruments! I always wanted to learn either piano or drums....either way I respect that you reached out to people. Oh yeah.... I was taught recorder (that cheap flute-ish instrument) in elementary school, but I don't like how that sounds at all .... and doubt anyone wants to hear that XD wishing you good luck and let me know if you need someone to bang on pots and pans maybe we can make a horrible album together <3