
AmIBeingInstained t1_jbqczjy wrote

I feel like that might have been sincere, so thank you?

Assuming you are a cop, and assuming you don’t personally go around abusing your power, I have a tip for you. People don’t trust you. Because even if you’re not going out using excessive force or helping cronies stay out of trouble, you know other cops who do. And you are either unable to stop them, in which case you’re really not much value in your job, or you’re unwilling, in which case you’re morally unfit for your job. And now you’re arguing online making procedural excuses for why we can’t have accountability. You’re cool with the way things are in your organization, which makes you complicit in the culture of corruption. A few bad apples have already spoiled the whole bunch.

You’d be welcome in magic land if you ever wanted to envision a world where cops are accountable to the people who pay their salaries and whom they’re supposed to protect.


AmIBeingInstained t1_jbqajdg wrote

Hire them just like before, but starting over without a culture that’s already been corrupted, and creating accountability to the public.

Do you have a relationship with law enforcement? And do you feel that top brass should be fixing legitimate arrests for their cronies as they did in this case?