
AnotherWarGamer t1_j93m6gl wrote

Yup. War is possibly favourable for America, since military is one of the only advantages they have left.

China would love to flex their muscles to get better economic deals. But China is playing the long game better, and they only need to wait it out.


AnotherWarGamer t1_j90by8e wrote

What's crazy is America still won't green their grid. China is building renewables like crazy, and has plans to switch over eventually, whereas America does not.

There is a very real possibility that sometime in the future America won't be able to keep the power on, but China will.

All thanks to short term thinking, and infrastructure not being profitable according to capitalism.


AnotherWarGamer t1_j40axeu wrote

A rabbi is ashamed of his lawyer, brother who does not practice his faith. All he does is work, and is obsessed with money. The rabbi decides that the best way to fix this is to bring him on a spiritual journey. Since the rabbi doesn't drive, he calls a taxi, and along come Piyush to pick them up. They drive for a few hours, finally leaving the city when the car breaks down...