
AnythingToAvoidWork t1_j85jos4 wrote

Ignore the assholes.

You said your housing goals are $1500 - 2000 for a 2 bedroom house which is gonna be hard to find if not impossible.

Check out Zillow and just zoom around to see what I mean. NH is suffering from a huge housing crisis.


AnythingToAvoidWork t1_j7h9nrx wrote

I wouldn't sweat it. The general rule of thumb is to not buy a house unless you plan to be there at least 5 years so its best to just put it out of your mind until you do decide to move.

Housing prices everywhere are dropping, but they'll rebound. NH is only going to get more populated.


AnythingToAvoidWork t1_j77miz7 wrote

I'm not a real estate expert but from generally understanding how people work my take is that prices in NH are going to level out but aren't going to ever get that much lower.

NH and New England in general is an extremely attractive place to live and it's only going to get more attention.

I want to say I read that New England is like.... THE best positioned area in the world for climate change.

If I were a speculative real estate guy I'd be buying up Berlin.