Aromat_Junkie t1_j43w7p4 wrote
when I was homeless the only place i could safely sleep at night was on the train. Conductor would come by at fern rock and wake me up and I'd hop another.
Now it's not even safe enough for me to sleep on the train
Aromat_Junkie t1_j26x7yq wrote
Reply to comment by Leapingforjoyandstuf in A Mind-Bending Post Office Saga by ima_mandolin
when a metric is known that it's measured it ceases to be useful. Same with the old "pull up we'll bring your food out"/
Aromat_Junkie t1_j26vwr6 wrote
Reply to You know that one bus driver who announces the stops and says “hold on folks!” When he makes turns in Rittenhouse? by postgrad-dep18
My mothers regional rail line, all the times I have taken it, has a fabulously nice guy who is dressed up seasonally. Think tie with little light up christmas ornaments. I love a good conductor, bus driver, pilot or flight attendant, nurse or really anyone who makes you welcome in a place that is generally an uncomfortable kafkaesque situation
Aromat_Junkie t1_j24dp06 wrote
Reply to Philly Fighting COVID founder sues Drexel University for expelling him after vaccine scandal by Dryheavemorning
philadelphia government is so incompetent its hard to even be mad at this guy
Aromat_Junkie t1_j1zhoje wrote
Reply to comment by GumshoeAndy in Cool abandoned shit in south Philly / center city? by Sleepy_Like_Me
Could be a different lady. I didn't go there often.
Aromat_Junkie t1_j1zc7kn wrote
Reply to comment by GumshoeAndy in Cool abandoned shit in south Philly / center city? by Sleepy_Like_Me
RIP pizza pub that place sucked. Waiting to piss only to find some chick passed out with a needle in her arm hogging the shitter...
Aromat_Junkie t1_j1zb1dn wrote
Reply to comment by GumshoeAndy in Cool abandoned shit in south Philly / center city? by Sleepy_Like_Me
lol prob know you, esp if you were a visitor of jiminy
Aromat_Junkie t1_j1yuwxp wrote
Reply to comment by GumshoeAndy in Cool abandoned shit in south Philly / center city? by Sleepy_Like_Me
He's a turd.
Sitting in my friends apartment, surrounded by cats and dogs. Her roommate was a sort of serial cat rescuer type. Worked at the station for years as a bartender. Very kind woman.
Lou gets drunk and calls her up and says " I ran over the bar cat can you come over and help scrape her off the sidewalk"
She just broke down crying uncontrollably on the phone, sobbing, she'd rescued that cat years and years ago and it had as good a life a bar cat could have.
He yells "HAH JUST KIDDING!" and hangs up. Totally great prank dude...
Aromat_Junkie t1_j1v0eov wrote
Reply to Are muffler shops legit? by schludy
I paid around 300 a few years ago to have a cat cut out and new one welded in.
Aromat_Junkie t1_j10ovc1 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Ethics board says Philly judge ruled on cases early to leave for trip by uptown_gargoyle
Aromat_Junkie t1_j10lqi4 wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Ethics board says Philly judge ruled on cases early to leave for trip by uptown_gargoyle
I'm shocked that someone who is actively having the legislature try to remove him, try to refute that. it's besides the point anyway. Being stripped of your position and title is not a punishment.
Aromat_Junkie t1_j0yyexc wrote
Reply to comment by SBRH33 in Ethics board says Philly judge ruled on cases early to leave for trip by uptown_gargoyle
And nothing will happen, ever. Never does.
Aromat_Junkie t1_j0yya9u wrote
Reply to comment by electric_ranger in Ethics board says Philly judge ruled on cases early to leave for trip by uptown_gargoyle
And surely there's a punishment involving jail time for falsifying court records?
Aromat_Junkie t1_j0yxchr wrote
Reply to comment by donttouchthirdrail in Philadelphia's Economic Recovery Continues by LFKhael
true dat
Aromat_Junkie t1_j0yxbnv wrote
Reply to comment by SBRH33 in Ethics board says Philly judge ruled on cases early to leave for trip by uptown_gargoyle
that's not a punishment, that's just preventing her from doing any more harm. I'm sick of the worst thing happening to officials is 'ok you got impeached, removed whatever'. No there needs to be punishment.
How about we add up all the maximum offenses for all those found guilty and sentence her with that?
Aromat_Junkie t1_j0x5kkt wrote
Reply to Philadelphia's Economic Recovery Continues by LFKhael
This is paid corporate style news work, even if it's true > The Center City District (CCD), Central Philadelphia Development Corporation (CPDC) and Center City District Foundation (CCDF) work together to enhance the vitality and competitiveness of Philadelphia's downtown. In 1991, the business leadership organization CPDC created the CCD business improvement district to deliver daily services with the goal of making Center City clean and safe. This helped transform Center City into a vibrant 24-hour downtown, attractive to businesses, residents, students, shoppers and tourists. In addition, the CCD is responsible for the management of Dilworth, Sister Cities, John F. Collins and Cret Parks, four extraordinary public spaces in the heart of Center City. CCDF, the charitable affiliate of the CCD, was launched in 2016 to support the next generation of public space improvements in Center City Philadelphia.
Aromat_Junkie t1_j0pxbpq wrote
Reply to comment by apathetic_panda in This sounds crazy but as of yesterday, we are less than 5 months away from the PA primary and the winner of the mayoral race will be the 100th mayor of the city of Philadelphia. November is an afterthought. The more candidates that run, the winner may snag it with just a one percent difference. by joeltheprocess76
If Domb win's I'm filing for asylum in Canada. Cherry Hill.
Kidding aside I think domb is decent.
Aromat_Junkie t1_iz0kdle wrote
Reply to comment by givemesendies in Penn announces it no longer holds direct investments in fossil fuel companies by jargito
sounds like gas-x for cows is a billion dollar biz
Aromat_Junkie t1_iye5o0u wrote
the best place to get it registered is to drive to the DMV head quarters in Harrisburg. they're the opposite of any DMV experience I have ever had. I have been there a lot, they can print titles on site, give you plates, everything, and they're helpful, knowledgeable and courteous..
Just drive out there, then you don't pay any overhead.
Eseentially the auto tags places are just sending those forms in electronically anyways.
Aromat_Junkie t1_iydcbv1 wrote
Reply to comment by 1Surlygirl in Woman found decapitated inside home in Philadelphia's Lawndale neighborhood by Franklinia_Alatamaha
I'm just saying, well look I wrote a comment a while ago but shit doesn't even phase me anymore. My first memorable experience in philly (playing a show on w passyunk i forget the name of the bar, JRs?) I got out of the gig van and some dude started screaming he was going to murder his wife for leaving the screen door open.
Or the time I saw an old school style italian beatdown. Two dudes just hammering a guy with a baseball bat right at 9th and Morris.
Or the knife fight outside Michaels Place, but both dudes were so drunk nobody even got hurt. looked like they were humping on the ground.
Or the time I saw an old lady get bricked by teenagers
Or the time I saw a serious road rage on the northeast and a dudes truck flipped
I dunno man it just never ends
you know... like I just can't it's not my fucking problem.
Aromat_Junkie t1_iyd7ems wrote
Reply to comment by 1Surlygirl in Woman found decapitated inside home in Philadelphia's Lawndale neighborhood by Franklinia_Alatamaha
because after the 10th phone call and the cops not coming, because mind your own business, because the neighbor starts hammering on doors demanding to know who called the cops, because my life is exhausting and I have only so many things I can deal with. I dunno.
Aromat_Junkie t1_iy3msz9 wrote
Reply to comment by trashpandarevolution in Opinion: A PennDOT study puts Philly closer to a potential Roosevelt Blvd subway by WHO_POOPS_THE_BED
it can be done in 2 years. it could be done in 1 year. If it can't it's not because of physical limitations, but systemic issues.
Aromat_Junkie t1_ixqpgsv wrote
Reply to comment by prettylittlearrow in TIL that my neighbor who rents in a multi unit house has not one but four vehicles parked on our block by RoverTheMonster
the old "half the people commute outside of philadelphia because our abhorrent tax structure encourages companies to leave, so fuck you that's a personal choice for wanting to live in a city because you have to commute out of it". Love this thread
Aromat_Junkie t1_ixklkuq wrote
Reply to comment by TheBSQ in Police: Man, 25, charged in connection with string of robberies at off-campus Temple residences by Franklinia_Alatamaha
> It’s so fucking depressing to come back here where it’s just such a disgrace of incompetence all around with zero good options.
And that's why I left queue music
Aromat_Junkie t1_j4ldor7 wrote
Reply to comment by YoCuzBo in Philly schools to notify families of special-admissions decisions by Jan. 31, an official says by YoCuzBo