BKEDDIE82 t1_j7r8azt wrote

You can disagree. But I live in reality. People have no respect because of a lack of consequences. Look at Tiktok, Instagram, etc. Everyone thinks they can do whatever they want.

People aren't going to be invested in a place they are just passing thru.

Japan is basically a single culture. So, I'm not even going to entertain that comparison.

Challenging people comes with consequences. That's life. You don't have to fear physical contact. Some people do, and some people don't. But you have to realize that a random person is not a friend or family member. You aren't entitled to them being civil because you approached them.

If it's a horrible way to live, you can move elsewhere. But this is what NYC is. You can make slight improvements and hope it goes in a positive direction. And that would be opinion based as well.


BKEDDIE82 t1_j7qvcpe wrote

For a city that is so transient, how do you expect people to respect it? Shame is a personality trait. Not everyone will have it.

I agree. We could have a basket, and people would still refuse to use them. But that will happen in every part of the world.

If you challenge someone in any situation, you should be prepared for conflict. There was a time when the response to anything said was, "Do you know me?" No one should feel like they have a right to speak to just anyone for any reason.


BKEDDIE82 t1_j7qta95 wrote

In NYC, there is no singular culture. Everyone's actions here are based on a magnitude of variables. There is no longer a culture of mind your own business. As much as I miss that. It's not my problem is also no longer the norm here. A lack of respect is debatable. If you allow people to disrespect you, they will.


BKEDDIE82 t1_j7q8363 wrote

No one needs a reason to do anything. People will do whatever they feel like, especially here. I don't care about other cities. It's irrelevant for many reasons.

We will always generate a stupid amount of waste due to population alone. And when we had garbage cans on every corner, people used them. So until they put them back, I can't say people litter for no reason.