
BababooeyHTJ t1_j298v8s wrote

I understand that but we’re talking about a car 3 times the cost of a Prius. Unless you can foot a much larger down payment you’re paying significantly more monthly in just interest payments that you’re never getting back. I’m having a hard time seeing where the savings come from.

Tax incentives makes sense but is just Sweden and Norway enough to skew the results for all of Europe?

I completely understand the appeal of the model y but it’s way out of my price range.


BababooeyHTJ t1_j2981bt wrote

I completely understand that. I’m just surprised that such an expensive car is the top selling car in Europe. There’s something more to it. It’s 3 times the cost of a Prius here in the US. I can’t see the gas and possible service savings ever covering the difference not even including interest payments on the higher valued car.


BababooeyHTJ t1_j28ucps wrote

Why? Are gas prices that high where it becomes such an attractive option compared to a hybrid like a Prius? Is the model y comparatively cheaper than other crossovers than in the US? Some sort of tax incentive? Average wealth higher?

I’m genuinely curious and don’t know enough about the EU economy.


BababooeyHTJ t1_j1kpj3k wrote

Dude Final fantasy has been a mainstream franchise for well over a decade at this point. This isn’t back in the day where it would release in Japan a year before anywhere else with poor translations.

I’m not so sure it’s the Japanese market is it’s target audience. SIE is also headquartered in California….

This isn’t ff7 on the ps1 sadly. Whatever the current company is it’s the Squaresoft that I loved