
BaronVonLazercorn t1_j28jgl5 wrote

Considering the cultural and historical significance of the Mona Lisa, I can't imagine you would be allowed to keep it out in the open, even if you did somehow manage to buy it from the state.

Besides, you wouldn't want anything to happen to it considering how much you would've paid for it. Plus you would forever be known as the dickhead that destroyed the Mona Lisa, like Miles.

As for the wood thing, you're right, but after hundreds of years that poplar might be able to go up like canvas. But I can also imagine The Louvre giving Miles a fake. After all, Mus- I mean Miles is an idiot.


BaronVonLazercorn t1_j288dgv wrote

That seems like the most logical reason, yes. That and other sensors to determine active threats like heat, etc.

There is probably an initial dB sensor. If a sound occurs over a certain threshold, the barrier closes as a precaution. Then after say 10 seconds, if no further threats are detected, it opens back up.

In reality the painting would be enclosed at all times. But the opening/closing is clearly a thematic device that doesn't need so much thought put into the technicalities of how/why it works the way it does


BaronVonLazercorn t1_izsdubu wrote

They're massively in debt, they can't keep any power stations functioning, it takes them 10 years to build new power stations that end up basically exploding the moment they turn them on.

South Africans don't want new batteries, they want a functioning electrical grid