
Basedrum777 t1_iu5eci6 wrote

If you're actually willing to listen I'd love to explain how many things in this comment are wrong. I have a feeling you don't actually care and will continue to be wrong to make sure you can continue to hate your previous teachers.

I'm an accountant with a wife teacher so my numbers aren't wrong.


Basedrum777 t1_iu5bwul wrote

My wife would quit if she could and she's in the best school district in America.

She had a student drop down from honors to regular geometry and their parents are arguing all their grades up to now shouldn't count and they should just have to retake the 1 test cp geometry has done so far. What kind of fucked up logic is that?

She hated it but we need her pension so that when my high stress job kills me she can live on.